[Additional Update (added Oct 12): As of today, there is one space left for someone who can take both courses … MG 101 and The Bootcamp). ]
Just a note to let you know that my two fall public trainings on graphic recording and graphic facilitation, Meeting Graphics 101 and The Graphic Bootcamp are right around the corner (October 31-November 3) – and spaces are going quick!
These courses are held in Victoria, BC, Canada and are offered back to back to accommodate attendees traveling from afar (folks are coming from all across North America and from England and Ireland even, as good training in the rare skills of graphic recording and graphic facilitation is hard to come by!).
1. MEETING GRAPHICS 101 (level 1): Oct. 31-Nov. 1
“Excellent! Great instruction and coaching – lots of time to practice – many methods. Excellent handouts and examples”. Cassandra O’Neill, Sustainability Consultant, Tucson, AZ
This is the foundational, beginning course that will cover and enhance your basic skills and understanding of the field.
Over the course of two packed days you will:
- Learn the History of the Graphic Recording & Graphic Facilitation Fields
- Understand the Differences Between the 4 Main Applications (custom chart work, graphic recording, graphic facilitation and graphic coaching)
- Get the Lowdown on the Right Materials, Resources and Aids to Use;
- Stand Up ‘At the Wall’ and Learn How to Hold the Pens Properly, makes proper lines, squares, circles and other foundational shapes.
- Build those basic shapes into people, pictures, icons, etc (all the cool little images that are sprinkled throughout the work)
- Experience demos of graphic recording and graphic facilitation done by a seasoned pro (me – Christina Merkley)
- Try out your new skills in safe, supportive exercises and drills.
- Discuss ways to ‘keep it all going’ as you take your skills out in the world.
- Receive a jam-packed manual full of detailed chapters, graphic samples, resources list and much, much more (some folks say this is worth the price of admission alone!) – so you can remember and refer back to what you have learned.
- Have a post workshop tele-call with me to help you integrate and apply your new knowledge (get agenda design help, drawing feedback and ideas, chart critiques and more).
“Christina is a master of her craft and shares generously. Tons of quick tips and a great foundational AND inspirational course”. Darcy Riddell, Hollyhock Leadership Centre, Vancouver, BC

Meeting Graphics 101: More Info and Downloadable Registration Form
2. THE GRAPHIC BOOTCAMP (level 2): Nov. 2-3
“This is one of the best courses I have ever taken! Real world applications, genuine and dynamic information and a comfortable learning environment were just a few of the reasons I would recommend this to anyone interested in making the world a better place”. Erik Hanson, Speaker/Facilitator, Extreme Kindness Crew

Continue your learning with even more experiential and applied learning. Now equipped with the basics you can really dive in and learn how to do this stuff!
Over the course of these two days you will:
- Get tons more graphic recording and graphic facilitation practice plus receive another manual full of more advanced examples.
- Learn about templates and other facilitation aids – design your own.
- View the template designs of your fellow participants and start to build an icon library of useful formats.
- Create your own wall size templates and use to facilitate your team mates.
- Discuss how to set your fees, create contracts and otherwise negotiate for good work (whether you are internally within an organization or are an external independent).
- Hear tales of my marketing highs and lows and learn from my journey (networking tips, internet marketing secrets, the importance of good sales copy and writing from a ‘benefits’ perspective).
- Do some Law of Attraction work (one of my coaching specialties) to allow yourself to Become Your Next Self (bust through wonky thinking to more smoothly manifest the career and lifestyle you desire).
- Share in the camaraderie of like minded folks from around the world (we gather for a voluntary dinner the first night at a local restaurant, normally everyone comes for a really fun and informal night).
- Receive another follow-up coaching call to further integrate your knowledge and skills and enhance your overall confidence.
Avril Orloff, Graphic Recorder, Vancouver, BC
Bootcamp: Info and Downloadable Registration Form
Fee Increase Coming in 2008: Please note that these are the final public workshop offerings for 2007 – and the next series is not until May 2008 – plus prices are significantly increasing in the new year (perhaps as much as 30-50%) People are getting such excellent results from my trainings (and I practically give away the kitchen sink), that I feel I must raise prices to accurately reflect value.
So if you have really wanted to learn graphic recording and graphic facilitation and add these skills to your consulting toolkit – now is a good time to act. And Victoria, BC isn’t a bad place to visit even if you weren’t coming for an excellent training!
Full List of Training Options
[tags]graphic recording, graphic facilitation, meeting graphics, graphic Bootcamp, Christina Merkley, trainings in graphic recording and graphic facilitation skills[/tags]