Julie Stuart’s Graphic Recording Success

Its been a few weeks since my last series of Graphic Recording / Graphic Facilitation trainings. News is starting to pour in from the learners about how they are applying their new and improved skills.

This just in from Graphic Recorder, Julie Stuart in Atlanta, Georgia. Julie’s got her sights fixed on developing a graphic recording niche in the environmental / sustainability arena. After being coached in the workshops that doing pro bono and volunteer work in the areas you want to work as a career building strategy … she landed a great opportunity recording the famous chef Alice Waters via the support of Georgia Organics.

Way to go Julie!

Great looking chart and just the area you want to be working in. Julie tells us that Alice actually signed her mural – a sign of a satisfied customer I’d say! Well done.

Click for larger image
Click for larger image

Hi Dudes and Dudettes!Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I really enjoyed learning with all of you.I did a strategic freebie the week before Thanksgiving and wanted to send it along. The attached version lets you zoom in. Georgia Organics and the Centers for Disease Control hosted the famed chef Alice Waters for a talk. Everyone was really pleased with the mural and GA Organics wants to use me again at their conference. I handed out about 10 business cards and got a lot of interest.

Hope you are doing great!

Cheers! Julie

Julie Stuart
Making Ideas Visible
770 329-4213
Hi Dudes and Dudettes,Here it is–the compilation of our year in visual format. It took several hours and was a different process working on my personal information rather than recording someone else. I was pretty critical of the product–went through a lot of corrective labels and white-out, sheesh. Though you can’t tell in the final outcome–thanks Whiteboard! This was a pretty big mural–about 10 feet and I noticed I lost some sharpness in the photo, especially in the lower left corner. I may try another photo tomorrow. I’ll have to print it out on legal-sized paper because its not quite legible on regular size. Enjoy–you all are in there! ( I attached a version you can zoom in on)
Cheers, Julie

Christina’s next series of Meeting Graphics 101 and The Graphic Bootcamp are scheduled to run back to back in Victoria, BC on May 21-24, 2008. Fees are increasing significantly on January 1, 2008 (almost doubling). You can still sign up under the current 2007 pricing until December 31, 2008. Christina is happy to offer payment plans of 3 or 5 micro-payments (just write “payment plan please” on your sign up sheet and Erin will contact you to make arrangements).

[tags]Alice Waters, Meeting Graphics 101, The Graphics Bootcamp, Christina Merkley, SHIFT-IT Coach[/tags]

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