Question: This is my first visit to your website. I am a certified professional facilitator (CPF) through IAF and would love to really get good at graphic facilitation. I’m a bit confused. Are you no longer doing graphic skills training, after 2008?
Answer: Hi Karen. You aren’t confused at all – in fact, you are absolutely right. I am ceasing my popular training and mentoring in the skills of graphic recording and graphic facilitation (using passive and interactive visuals in group events) at the end of this year (December ’08).
My journey with ‘graphics’ began back in the early 90’s when in grad school in San Francisco (I got a masters in Organizational Development & Transformation). I attended a very cool school called the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) and it was there that a fellow student introduced me to the fabulous ‘group graphics’ work of David Sibbet and The Grove Consultants International. I did an internship with the Grove, went on to work with them for over four years (during the height of the Silicon Valley technology craze) … and departed to launch my own consultancy under the banner of Make Your Mark, LLC in 2001. In 2006, I started another company, SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc. (you are on its website).
My early years in the field were as a ‘graphic recorder’ … someone who pairs with clients and lead facilitators to visually capture the unfolding content of a meeting (often called the ‘group memory’ or ‘wall note taking’). After years of this support function, I moved into leading strategic planning and visioning events myself, a role called a ‘graphic facilitator’ (designing and leading the facilitation process and taking the graphic notes at the same time … mostly using templates – large, pre-done wall forms). It is these two skills that I have been training others in for years.
Several years ago I knew that my interest in being a trainer and a mentor in these rare skills was coming to an end. So for the last two years I have been training others extensively through my two levels of programs: Meeting Graphics 101 and The Graphic Bootcamp and through private trainings here in my Victoria B.C. studio in Canada. Getting my hard earned knowledge out of me and into the hands of other training, facilitation and consulting professions who could help them live on.

You see … my passion for quite some time has been to work with much smaller groups and most particularly with business partners and individuals. Using interactive graphics with these more intimate populations to help them do their own deep thinking about their lives and paths. For years I have been developing a process (called The SHIFT-IT Graphic Coaching Process) and a suite of visual tools (Merkley Maps). So that is why I am bringing my training in the more traditional group skills to an end — my ‘graphic coaching’ and SHIFT-IT work is taking more and more of my attention these days (in fact my practice is growing like gangbusters) … so something had to give. So I’m leaving my old passion to pursue my new one full-time.
Graphic Recording and Graphic Facilitation are awesome skills. My last public skills training ever is November 5-8, 2008, here in Victoria, BC, Canada. Unfortunately for those of you who still want to take it, you’ve been a little slow on the draw … its been sold out for quite some time. However, its not unusual to have some last minute seat shuffles, so its worth getting on the wait list just in case. To do so, just email my assistant Launa, at Your other option is to come for a private training with me – I am doing them until the end of the year and there is still a little bit of availability left in my fall schedule. Again, email Launa and we’ll set up an exploratory call to discuss this option.
As for what’s next for me? Well, I will be focusing on my SHIFT-IT Coaching practice. Continuing to lead my clients through my SHIFT-IT process so they get the results and breakthroughs that they want in their personal and professional lives. Its very personal, gratifying, exciting and results-oriented work. A big part of my own personal success and the success of SHIFT-IT is due to the skillful application of Law of Attraction principles. So not only is my coaching work visual, it is also increasingly LOA based. In addition to my popular SHIFT groups and retreats … I’m adding more advanced experiences in laws of attraction this year and next. Wonderful folks from around the globe are being attracted and I’m very pleased with how my transition from group work to coaching has unfolded.
I’m asked continually by other coaches, consultants, therapists, etc when i will be offering trainings in graphic coaching and allowing other professionals to use my SHIFT-IT process and tools. The answer is – not yet … but probably soon. There are a few logistical things for me to work out before I train and license others in this new and hot niche in coaching. For now, its just for my own clients. And, if you would like to be notified of when I begin graphic coaching and SHIFT-IT trainings … just join my mailing list and I’ll keep you posted. (It’ll definitely happen sometime.)
Also, be sure to check out our video from the last Meeting Graphics 101 and The Graphic Bootcamp workshop.
Thanks for your interest. All the best in your graphic journey!
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
Christina Merkley
The SHIFT-IT Coach
[tags]Christina Merkley, SHIFT, SHIFT-IT, SHIFT-IT Coach, graphic recording, graphic facilitation, Meeting Graphics 101, The Graphic Bootcamp, Victoria, British Columbia, SHIFT-IT Graphic Coaching Process, Merkley Maps[/tags]