Working with Leanne’s Resistance

Just wrapped my second call of the free 3-part series i’m doing.  Two calls down and one video to go.  You can participate and/or listen to the previous recordings by registering here:

First call was focused on ‘Personal Visioning Tips’ including access to my Magnetism Map tool (see previous post entitled Valery’s Magnetism Map). 

This second call was focused on ‘resistance’ — what to do when you have a vision but can’t quite ‘line up with it’.  All about how to believe, allow and become your vision from an energy point of view.  Its not the thoughts – its the FEELINGS that really count.  Law of Attraction is all about the energy you emit.  I have been playing around with new ways to explain these concepts … listen to the call to hear how i use ‘kidney transplantation’ and ‘dog training’ as diverse ways to explain how you need to BE in order for your Visions to manifest. 

The third event in the series is tomorrow, Sept. 11 at 4pm pacific.  I’ll be on U-Stream video service … answering SHIFT-IT questions about how you can get the SHIFTs that you want in your professional and/or personal life. 

Below is a rough chart created during today’s call.  A volunteer named Leanne graciously allowed me to facilitate her through some resistance work.  Leanne has written a screenplay and would now like turn her script into a film.  She had several layers of resistance that revealed themselves to us and we step-by-step ‘flipped’ them to better feelings thoughts.  Here’s her chart (sorry, my writing is a little sloppy … but hey!).  To get the full power and energy of the work we do, please listen to the call. It was a great one – thanks Leanne for sharing and being brave in doing your work in the safe environment of this call.  Not only did you help you, but you helped all of us cultural creatives on the call who have our own versions of resistance (that’s the power of group SHIFT-IT work!). 















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Unfortunately, with a tele-seminar there is only so much information I can share and people i can work with (no matter how fast i talk!).  This exercise is just one of many different processes i use to help my clients SHIFT-IT!  If you are resonating with this work, and are ready for more specific assistance, my fall programs start next week.  Come join your tribe — like-minded folks who are using powerful visual thinking and Law of Attractions methods to shift their work and life for the better.  These programs are fun, powerful and very, very effective. 

Level 1:  SHIFT-IT Coaching Group (via webinar technology).  Starts Monday 15th, 4-5:30 pm (pacific).  Runs for 7 weeks.  Create Life Maps, clarify your Personal Vision, identify and bust through your resistance.  Includes the SHIFT-IT Home Retreat Kit.  More information and online registration. 

Level 2: Merkley’s Manifestation Mastermind (via webinar technology).  Start Sunday 14th, 10-11:30 am (pacific).  Runs for 12 weeks.  Advanced Law of Attraction program – heavy duty LOA tools to speed up your manifestations and alignment. Bond with like-minded folks from around the globe.  More information and registration.

Two additional special book bonuses for registrations made between now and the start of each each program (on top of the great list of bonuses that already come with each program!).  ?

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