Ahhhhhh, I’ve had a few quiet days to rejuice my energy — it was go-go-go there for a while with my Meeting Graphics training, private retreat clients and my trip to L.A (and getting the darn car window fixed from my snafu written about in last issue – still waiting for a part but its an easy fix thankfully).
Here’s a pix of me with Alexandria Brown at her VIP Magazine Launch Party. Ali’s been such a wealth of information, guidance and good ol’ modeling over the last 5 years, that I couldn’t miss her final ‘Online Success Blueprint Workshop’ (my reason for my L.A. trip).

Was wonderful to be selected as a “Hot Seat” recipient (although a little nerve-wracking to be critiqued in front of 450 people!) and she also asked me to share my ‘home manifestation’ story the next day too.
Many thanks to you e-Zine readers who came up and introduced yourselves. It was fun to hear which articles, blog posts and ideas have resonated most with you.
As exciting and enjoyable as my trip was, I am very happy to be back home on beautiful Vancouver Island – my sanctuary. Today’s sunset is so spectacular that I had to share a photo- this is the view as I write… Wow, eh!
The deeper and more ‘spiritual’ my coaching gets with clients, the more I seem to need nature, peace and calm to be centered.
Surroundings like this help me tune more fully into to my inner wisdom and guidance – to trust and follow what my ‘Inner Being’ wants me to do. Today’s article is all about that – having faith in the world (and the wisdom of how it is evolving), and faith in oneself, and also faith in the unfoldment of one’s own path… all made possible by valuing and following our innate instincts.
Hope you enjoy!
Christina Merkley,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
[tags]Christina Merkley, The SHIFT-IT Coach, SHIFT-IT Coach, SHIFT-IT, Ali Brown, Alexandria Brown, Online Success Blueprint Workshop, Los Angeles, California, Vancouver Island, Victoria, British Columbia[/tags]