Last week twenty wonderful people joined me here in Victoria, B.c. for my last offering of my popular graphic recording and faciliation training series. They traveled from all over to attend – Nova Scotia, Alberta, Texas, Illinois, Washington D.C., Tennassee, Brazil, Netherlands, etc.
For four days we covered the use of interactive graphics in group settings, including:
- How to create prepared charts to use during your meetings (agendas, process maps, posters, etc.)
- What materials to use (markers, tape, wall size paper, etc.) and where to get them
- Color choices and how to use markers to get definition to your lines and shapes
- Basic drawing techniques for beginner and advanced icon libraries
- Clear distinctions between graphic recording and graphic facilitation… and demos and practice drills for each method
- What templates are… whats on the market and how to create your own for your own unique processes
- Marketing and business development practices (how to explain the benefits of this way of marketing to clients – in terms they will understand)
- Contracting, fees, and other tricks and tips on the business side of things
- Plus more, more and more

The Meeting Graphics 101 & Graphics Bootcamp participants
November 2008.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our workshop participants and mentees over the last decade. It has been a pleasure and delight to share my knowledge of meeting graphics with you and see the unique and varied ways you apply these skills into your own practice and share them in the world. Yes we can!!!
Many people at this last workshop asked me if I was sad to be ending my trainings in graphic recording and graphic facilitation skills – and I could honestly answer that I wasn’t at all. I feel complete in this chapter of my journey knowing I’ve done my part to instill these valuable group skills live through others.
Christina guiding the participants through their graphic work.
I’m now ready (and chomping at the bit) to get going on my new phase of development – turning my FULL attention to my passion work… applying the wonderful interactive graphic skills to the medium of coaching personal growth and self-actualization.
In 2009, I will be unveiling a new workshop “Graphics for Coaches” and SHIFT-IT licensing and certification program. Giving other coaches, counselors and helping professionals what they have been asking about for years. I’m so excited about what is coming! It’s now time to empower other healing professionals in how to use graphics with their own clientèle and populations.
Announcements about these new offerings will be made in The SHIFT-IT ezine – so stay tuned if you are interested. I anticipate my first “Graphics for Coaches” workshop will be held in Victoria in the April / May 09 time period. The Nov 28th ezine will contain the registration details including a hefty “early bird” discount (I anticipate, due to the pent up demand, that this first offering will sell out quickly as is the usual pattern for my workshops) – so reserve your space quickly to claim a spot. As per usual, various payment plans will be offered.
All of the best to my graphic recording and graphic facilitation mentees – I look forward to continuing to hear of your adventures and accomplishments. And for those “graphic coaches” who will be joining me on my next stage of things – I anticipate our meeting and collaborations with pleasure!
Christina Merkley
The SHIFT-IT Coach
[tags]graphic recording, graphic facilitation, meeting graphics, visual, graphic recorder, graphic facilitator, graphic skills training, SHIFT-IT coach, workshop design[/tags]