In Chaos? Read About Systemic Energy SHIFT Happening Right Now for Planet and You As an Individual!

Are you or people around you really grouchy?

Are you losing friends, colleagues or associates?

Do you feel like one thing after another keeps happening?

If so, you aren’t alone… there is a HUGE energy shift happening on the planet right now that is affecting all of us!

Meta-physicians have been intensely predicting this SHIFT for the last 20 years now and it’s now upon us in FULL FORCE.  The SHIFT is finally happening!

We as a planet and as a species (the human race) are moving through a big transition… from old ways of being to new ways of being. We are evolving. This change is big and as such can be quite uncomfortable and noticeable at the societal and individual levels.

On the planetary and societal level:

At the societal level we are witnessing shifts in politics and economics.  As our world ungracefully is moving from authoritarian and patriarchal kinds of leadership models into much more collaborative and participatory ones.  It will take some sorting out, and occur over years… but the so-called ‘global economic crisis’ is the symptoms of an economic system that is moving to a higher level of development and maturity (its ‘falling together’ not ‘falling apart’).

The wrinkles are being worked out for the better.  We will end up with a system that is less insular, more inclusive… and it will require countries co-operating and communicating like they have never had to before. This is a good thing!  We all live on one planet… the lines of separation need to start softening and blurring so we can collaborate on issues that effect us all.

An example is the recent shift from the G8 to the G20 countries being involved in economic discussions and decision-making.  The insider club is being expanded to include the huge emerging players of India and China (where large populations of the earth reside).  This is only fair and appropriate.  It’s evolutionary.

Given the state of the world’s environment its great that we are being forced by economic issues to work more closely together because economics is just one area where we all need to play together better.  Other areas include human rights, health issues, resource distribution and the environment.

We have big problems on this planet.  In order to address them and find solutions (which are definitely possible!), we need a more global and collaborative mindset. We need to move out of the silos of our individual borders and interests and start thinking and acting in more holistic and harmonious ways.

The economic ‘crisis’ is helping us to ‘find the feeling place’ (to borrow an Abraham-Hicks term) of working more collaboratively together.  Of addressing a situation that is new in how it impacts all of us like a domino set.  When we find the feeling place of collaborative power we can start applying it to these other areas too.  We can start tackling the huge environmental challenges that our planet faces and start revamping our current structures so they actually work towards what is best for the whole, instead of specialized interests.

We have an entrenched system… radical change is most often needed to shake up entrenched systems, otherwise they just hold onto their shape and boundary. Yes, we can sit around and be scared by the economic changes that are occurring – they can be scary in their dramatic proportions right now.  That is an option for sure.

But, I invite you… consider the bigger picture instead of just the immediate.  Look at the larger pattern that is unfolding.  The crack up that is happening right now is allowing the unfoldment of a new and better future.  New systems and structures will be able to come in that will be much better overall.  And they would never have been able to have been birthed without the necessary breakups and breakthroughs happening.  This is the way that change happens.  Yes, change can be unsettling.  But in the bigger picture its awesome news!

On the individual level:

The same energy that is affecting the whole is affecting us as individuals too.  As a coach, I work with a lot of individuals (and I am one too!).  I’m seeing how they (and I) are reacting to the larger societal changes that are currently playing out… to the energy that is making those large changes happen and that is also raining down on our individual lives.

I’m seeing a lot of letting go of the old and moving (sometimes gently and sometimes kicking and screaming depending on the person or the topic area) into the new.

Old friendships and relationships are dissolving.  Old jobs and professions are losing their appeal or falling away.  Old structures and ways of doing things are no longer working.  It can be very, very confusing when one thing after another no longer works like it used to.  But it can also be very very liberating and exciting.  The old you is falling away because the new you is being born.  Because, at some level, you desired for this improvement to occur.

For some, this energy is just too intense and the shift is just too challenging.  Theo (of Ask Theo) indicates that more individuals are choosing their exit strategies right now.  At the soul level, they aren’t ready or willing to go through the shift to their next level right now.  So they are bowing out.  Which is perfectly fine and understandable. SHIFTing isn’t always easy, comfortable or fun. From the personality level it can be downright challenging, uncomfortable, scary and disconcerting.

So, have compassion for yourself if you are experiencing these kinds of changes right now.  If your old, comfortable (but disliked) job or profession is morphing.  If your primary relationship is getting shaky.  If your colleagues and friends are changing.  These are all symptoms of the SHIFT happening.  A major transition is underway for most people right now.

We are in the midst of the change and the new hasn’t fully unfolded or shown itself yet.  But it will.  You will re-stabilize.  You will land into work that is more suitable and enjoyable to you overall.  You will attract different kinds of friends and colleagues who are more suitable for who you have become – who will match you vibrationally.  You will become Your Next Self.

You can speed up that process and improve the nature of your transition by moving off of a focus on what you don’t like about the present, and moving onto what you do like about what is emerging.  Just ‘beating the drum’ (another Abraham-Hicks analogy) in a more positively focused way.

So many people are beating the ‘doom and gloom’ drum right now.  Be a radical and beat the ‘its all working out for the better’ drum instead.  When you look over human history, major turning points occurred to SHIFT humanity to a better place.  We are going through one of those major turning points.  It has to happen in order for us to make a course correction and improve things overall and individually.  This transition, while it can be challenging, is a great thing!  It means we are evolving to a next and better level.

The frame that you put on this change will help how you go through it.  I hope this post helps you think a bit differently about what is occurring all around us all.  Helps point us to a better, more optimistic way of thinking about things.

Would love to hear your thoughts and reactions.  Please post in comments section below.  I look forward to reading them and having this dialogue expand!

Christina Merkley
The SHIFT-IT Coach



2 comments on “In Chaos? Read About Systemic Energy SHIFT Happening Right Now for Planet and You As an Individual!

  1. Gwyn on

    This post is EXACTLY what I needed at this very moment. Through circumstance (or fate/destiny if you will) I’ve recently gone back to a situation I’d left years ago and see quite shockingly that I’m not the same person I was when I left. I see old ways of doing things and reacting to them as pointless, there is an incongruity between who I am becoming and who I was and who people expect me to be. I had been very focused on this awkward and uncomfortable feeling, but your post reminded me to focus on the positive aspects of the situation… I’m NOT the same person I was… I’m evolving, changing, shifting into a new an better space, within and without.

    I need to celebrate the fact that I’m NOT the same person, that I’ve grown and changed. Yes it’s difficult to pass through this transition with people and situations that used to be the norm or familiar, but I don’t want to be that person.

    Thanks again for the reminder to treasure this time, believe in the beauty of becoming someone new and embrace it!

  2. Gina Rafkind on

    Hi Christina,
    Thanks for sharing this post. I totally feel a bit of chaos happening in my life and I’m going with the flow and know that it’s happening for a reason. It’s funny you mentioned ‘beating the drum’ analogy because, literally, that’s what I’ve been doing. I was drawn to purchasing some musical instruments, a handmade Native American drum and handmade wooden flute and I play them. It’s brought such peace in these times where I’m not sure exactly where my business is heading, but I know something huge is coming.

    Funny how life works and how you are drawn to things and people that you don’t realize would help you so much in the near future.

    Thanks so much.
    With gratitude,

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