Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Canada my SHIFT-IT readers! It’s ‘Boxing Day’ here.
We are having some unusually cold weather here in Victoria, British Columbia, including a couple of heavy dumps of snow. It came in time for a White Christmas.
Here’s the view out my window – the snow turned the tree into a sculptural work of art, really lovely!
Snow like this is a bit of a rarity in this part of the West Coast… so thankfully its not going to last too much longer (the novelty of having to hike to the grocery store is getting old fast). So far the power has remained on, so I’m snug as a bug in a rug as the saying goes.
Sooooooo, with the snow keeping me close to home, I’m nestling in and doing some thinking about 2009. Have a stack of Abraham-Hicks CDs that I’m catching up on to keep me inspired. One of the powerful suggestions that Abraham mentions again and again is our ability to ‘Tell a New Story’. So that is what I’ll be doing over the next while — telling the new story about who I am and what is brewing for me now.
To aid you in telling your own new story… I’m gifting you some visual tools to help focus your thoughts — four special maps and an instruction booklet to conduct your own Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat. Great for doing during that twilight week between Christmas and New Years, especially if you are snowed in too!
Christina Merkley,
The SHIFT-IT Coach