This twilight time around the Xmas holidays and New Years is such a great time to slow down and do some personal reflection.
Each New Year’s I glance back at what was accomplished over the previous year (normally a lot more than i usually am conscious of) and then contemplate the ‘rockets of desire’ that are lining up for the year ahead.
To help do this, a couple of years ago I created four little Merkley Maps … to do a mini SHIFT-IT Retreat with. I tend to give them out as a gift to my ezine readers at this time of year. I did this last Friday (it’ll be posted up here on the blog soon, when my assistant is back from her holidays).
If you don’t get my ezine, you can sign up in the top left hand side of my site. You’ll get three free SHIFT-IT templates when you do too, plus my ezine every second week, with insider info on how to SHIFT-IT!
Here’s the link where you can get these tools that I’ve used below (4 Merkley Maps plus instructions on how to do your own Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat):
There is a map to contemplate the crossroads you are standing on, a map to chart your last year, a map to chart your next year’s desires, and a final map to list out your next steps.
Below are my maps for this year. I did these on New Year’s Eve. Yes, i know, some of you are shocked and appalled that i did them all in regular pen and you can hardly read them – hee hee.
What can i say … I’ve spent so many years graphically recording that its a treat for me to be messy on my own stuff. Its not the look of things that matters, its the process and the energy that gets provoked.
Be as messy or as elaborate as you feel pulled to be. The point is to have a good time with it. Get your energy humming so you feel good about what has occurred and what is on its way to you. If you’ve got some resistance in the way, you’ll need do a little ‘FLIP IT’ work on your own to shake some of that negativity out of your vibe.
Go ahead and download your own copies of the maps and do your own Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat. I look forward to hearing how it goes. Send me your maps if you would like me to post them up here too.
And, a very Happy New Year!!!
Christina Merkley, The SHIFT-IT Coach