Been a busy time since last issue. Hosted my 3-day Graphic Coaching Clinic here in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Thankfully the weather cooperated beautifully so attendees were able to work outside on the lovely terrace at times.
A group even went out kayaking on the final evening together – Sonya from the U.K. said it put the icing on the cake for her – big thanks to Rick and others who manifested that – great to hear!

Since this workshop immersed me back in my ‘graphic’ world (rather than the Law of Attraction and energy work that has been my focus of late) … I’ve opted this issue to share with you some of the different events, groups and resources in the ever-expanding visual community. My use of graphics with coaching and personal growth work is a sub-set niche in a larger pool of visual practitioners who work in many different mediums and venues. Doodlers Unite!