I’m enjoying the last weeks of summer here on the west coast. Beautiful dawns and pretty sunsets – it continues to be a lovely season.
The fall is lining up nicely. There are three programs I’m facilitating: the SHIFT-IT Virtual Group that starts this Saturday. The Manifestation Mastermind in Oct. Followed by The Graphic Coaching Clinic (skills training) in early November. As much as I enjoy summer, I’m ready to get into some coaching and graphics skills training with you all!

One thing that has been getting very intense these last months is my sensitivity and susceptibility to déjà vu, hunches, intuitions and all kinds of almost spooky synchronicities. Have your psychic or ‘spidey senses’ been activated too? Thought I would share a quick article about some of the ways that our higher guidance communicates with us. So we can more easily recognize and appreciate when these messages and signs occur.
Christina Merkley,
The SHIFT-IT Coach