Summer was off to a slow start here in beautiful British Columbia … but it’s pretty consistent now. With the surge in sunshine, I figured it was about time I got a big, beautiful BBQ for my deck finally. Being delivered tomorrow. I was finding the choice kind of overwhelming … so was glad to manifest an uber knowledgeable sales guy at Capital Iron to help me out. Made it so easy and fun … hard to wait the week to get it delivered though, but there’s no way I can haul it up the stairs to my tree fort on my own.

Got another big, beautiful thing delivered this week – my new painting easel! Had my eye on this monster since before my San Diego trip … so it’s wonderful to have it physically manifested in my place now.
Brazilian wood (smells so good), a crank system for easy angle and height adjustments, and can handle canvasses up to 200 lbs or something ridiculous like that! I figure it’s something I can grow into as big, big canvasses (think graphic recording mural size) are definitely in my future … I can FEEL them so much that my hands tingle with the thought.
I admired it in its new nook for a few days then finally had a chunk of time to create in … out popped Painting Number Four below. Spontaneous sketches of ‘spiral people’ keep poring out of me. I’m collecting them into a file. Then I select one to have a go at. This is last Sunday’s effort. For now, I’m just going to name them. I have a feeling there is going to be a long series of them in all sorts of configurations and colors.

XinaMerk Painting Number Four
I took it to the framing shop and hope to have it back and hanging in my hall to my bedroom by next week. Goes really well with the colors of my carpet in there and replaces some store bought boring prints I never really liked.
My forays into painting go with this issue’s article “Go For Your ‘A’ Life”. Each of us has things that if we do them, bring us joy and put us ‘in the vortex’. Painting does that for me and I’m so glad I listened to the evolutionary whispers in me and began doing it. What is whispering (or perhaps shouting) inside of you to do? As your SHIFT-IT Coach, I say … go for it! Life wants to be expressed through you in your own unique way so follow your impulse!
P.S. Help us manifest our new Client Care Assistant. Check out the detailed job listing here in case you or someone you know is a vibrational match for our growing company – we are on the lookout for the right person … preference for local Victoria B.C. candidate. Interviews conducted next week so totally fine to get your materials in by Monday.
Hi Christina,
I love this painting #4 awesome job. I believe it will bring new opportunities – the power of it attracts.
keep it up