Apply By Friday, January 7, 2011: Become a Certified Graphic Coach

The beginning of the New Year is a wonderful time to reflect, vision, plan, sketch and make commitments to Become Our Next Selves.

For some of us … that involves weaving our latent or blatant creativity more fully into our work as helping professionals.

As a pioneer in Graphic Coaching, creativity is just the air that I breathe as a way of life — I love facilitating my client’s ingenuity to manifest more satisfying lives. Whether they be one of my Certified Graphic Coaches® or one of my clients from my own SHIFT-IT coaching practice.

If you caught my info webinar before the holidays … you heard how my Certified Graphic Coach® Graphic Coach Certificationprogram is changing lives across the globe. The lives of the coaches, therapists and other helping professionals who have committed to learning the visual way of working and being … and, the lives of the groups and individuals who engage them as trusted guides.

As discussed on the webinar, THIS FRIDAY JANUARY 7TH is an important day. It is the very last day that you can apply to be considered for the 2011 Graphic Coach Certification Program (if you don’t already have the two pre-requisites). And, it’s the LAST CHANCE EVER to participate in this leading-edge program at the current special combo rate (the rate is increasing by fifteen hundred and will continue to climb to more accurately reflect the return on the investment that this program brings).

Full Details and Application Process


In the Certified Graphic Coach® program you:

Learn base visual skills for effectively working with groups and individuals (87% of the population are visual learners … frankly if you are a coaching, counselling, consulting or training professional, its silly not to learn and use a methodology that works in the way your clients learn and process information);

Learn my signature SHIFT-IT System® with 17 Graphic Coaching maps The SHIFT-IT Process(the foundational visual tools of my own highly successful,pioneering Graphic Coaching practice);

Learn the concept of templates and other visual tool creation — as a means to ‘visual-ify’ and ‘product-ize’ your own intellectual property (to creative alternative income streams in your own business that move beyond just dollar for hour engagements. With signature systems and visual products you move into the smart world of making something once and financially benefiting from it over and over again … literally making revenue while you sleep!).

Map 1 Map2 Map3

Connect with fascinating colleagues from North America, Europe and Globebeyond … who are skilled, progressive, confident professionals …glad to be on the leading edge and who deeply recognize the value creativity, emotions, even the feminine principle (whether they be male or female). And who strategically understand how being on the front of the bell curve in a new medium is a strong competitive advantage.

• Change your own life in the process in beneficial, surprising and perhaps unanticipated ways— through becoming Arms Outstretch a Certified Graphic Coach you not only learn massively effective tools for creating change in your clients, you effect your own life in deeply satisfying and tangible ways. Being and operating in ways that are deeply congruent with who you naturally are (in Law

of Attraction speak … its called Living in the Vortex!).

Not everyone is a fit for this program. I interview every candidate personally and together we decide if you are a match. To be considered, you must initiate your application BY FRIDAY, JANUARY 7TH.

Full Details and Application Process

Our international cohort is beautifully coming together! Act fast to be included in this 2011 learning community to expand the power of working visually into your own work and practice.

I look forward to reviewing your application ASAP!

Christina Merkley

Christina Merkley,
Graphic Coaching Pioneer & Mentor

P.S. In the middle of December there was a very thorough webinar presented on Graphic Coaching and this Certification. Click here to access recording and presentation notes.

P.P.S. Be sure to get your application in by Friday if you don’t have the pre-requisites as one of them starts January 15th! Apply Now.

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