A Note From Christina

I’m down in warm Los Angeles, California this week. It’s such a treat after the snow dump we had in Victoria. What can I say … I’m a bad Canadian – living in San Francisco all those years ruined me for living in colder weather again. I LOVE getting away during the blah wintertime to somewhere sunnier!

It’s a productive trip. I’m attending another Allison Armstrong relationship workshop tomorrow (wrote about my my last one here). And meeting with some colleagues on potential joint ventures. One of whom is relationship coach Jonathon Aslay – we had a great lunch yesterday in pretty Marina del Ray … hatching plans to combine our expertise to assist the over 40 demographic with dating and relationship.

Having Lunch in Marina Del Ray with Relationship Coach Jonathon Aslay
Discussing an Upcoming Joint Venture

Both Jonathon and I fall into this niche as do many of my SHIFT-IT clients. I want to create a program to address not only the outer tasks of how/where to meet that special someone, how to properly use the internet, the “do and do not’s” of the different dating stages … but also address the inner work that is necessary too for a successful experience (completing unfinished business from past relationships, resolving mixed beliefs about what is possible (and possible for you!), and becoming TRULY ready for what you want). So if this topic is of interest, watch this e-Zine for future related announcements as Jonathon and I combine our forces!

A key ingredient in ANY relationship (be it in business, family or love) is healthy self-esteem … for everyone involved. This issue’s article is about the two types of unhealthy self-esteem that can wreck havoc with human connecting – SHAME and GRANDIOSITY and how to bring yourself back into balance.

Hope you enjoy,

Christina Merkley Signature

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