A Note From Christina

Independent, free agent, solopreneur, self employed, entrepreneur … whatever you want to call it, this month I have officially done it for a decade! Besides feeling flippin’ old (how did 10 years go by so fast) I also feel appreciative, wiser and aware of feeling that the next chapter is beginning to reveal itself.

Sooooo with this personally significant anniversary on my mind, this week’s issue is on my own SHIFT and the lessons learned along the way … and the new ones that are emerging … because we never get it done and we never get it perfect (and that is a good thing).

Also, I’d like to take a moment in this note to acknowledge the amazing times that we are moving through – The SHIFT on our planet is so swift right now … with Earth reconfiguring herself, huge numbers of people being effected (our support to readers in New Zealand and Japan) and the power of modern media to convey info and emotion across our planet in unprecedented ways.

With the equinox upon us there is an opportunity to clear the old and focus on the new. We have such power in how we choose to view things and in the decisions we make in response to the scenes and energy around us. Do we use our minds and feelings to close or to open? Such an opportunity but it’s not always easy to choose the path of optimism, abundance and positive scenario. I wish you (and myself) well in doing so – as our individual alignment impacts the collective whole.

In support,

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