I’m enjoying early Spring … how about you? The big trees are beginning to bud, the early cherry trees are flowering … and the next level of my passion work is blooming too!
It’s been webinar central around here lately – continuing to run my Biz & Life Accelerator (we have our 2nd retreat in a few weeks here in Victoria and I’m sooooooo looking forward to seeing you all in-person again!) and launched the 2011 cohort of Graphic Coach Certification earlier this week. And, have been a busy bee pulling together two new online offerings – working with fascinating and fun collaborators. Relationship by Design with Over 40 Dating Expert Jonathon Asley (7 week webinar series for those desiring to SHIFT their love lives!).

My Webinar Command Station ... Gotta Have Good Tea!
Given I’ve been immersed in my various offerings (and I’ve been coaching my Accelerators on defining and marketing theirs), I thought I would write this issue’s article on how to get your own creative offerings out into the world.
Hope it’s helpful. Cheers,