Having a fabulous Friday, as all my Biz and Life Accelerators in are in town for the next few days — having our final mastermind retreat! The Accelerators are in a 9-month incubator where they learn and apply my outer work and inner work models to their own lives and businesses. They have flown in from across North America, the U.K and even New Zealand!
The results have been fantastic and they are sharing their key milestones and most powerful lessons learned so far.

Biz & Life Accelerators at May 2011 Retreat Victoria BC
Mentoring and business development seem to be the theme for this week. I had an ahha with a friend and mentor of mine earlier this week, so it seemed fitting to share my thoughts in today’s article called “Yes, Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch!” … a timely reminder about the power of Law of Attraction and the importance of our deep beliefs and attitudes.
Yours in Acceleration,