Wowie, have I been BUSY! So busy I skipped an issue of my e-zine for the first time (did ya notice?). : )
In the last month I hosted a retreat for my Biz & Life Accelerators, lead a full Fundamentals of Interactive-Graphics workshop, did two private trainings, conducted private exams for the 2010 Certified Graphic Coaches, facilitated my usual three weekly programs — PLUS launched two brand new ones. AND bought a new work/live space for SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc. and I (currently being built – will move into in the fall).
When I’m really busy I look for simple ways to shift my energy and step out of my own life for a while – get a ‘different vibe’ so to speak. I like to put myself into someone else’s shoes for a bit — so I can lose myself in their world (and also learn a bit in the process).
My favorite way to do that is by reading biographies and memoirs … especially of creative and uniquely talented people. Thankfully there are a whole slew of great memoirs within easy reach lately. So I thought I would share some of my recent reads and my reactions to them as this week’s article … as these biographies are so powerful that they stay with you for days and weeks after reading them.
Perhaps some reading for when you have some downtime …
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
Christina Merkley,
The SHIFT-IT Coach