Back from summer vacation.

Floating with JJ on Dunn Lake
Soooooooooo nice to take some time off and relax. Darius’ family ranch is on Dunn Lake in British Columbia and they also share space at a lovely cabin on Christina Lake. So we made the rounds between the different locations taking advantage of good company, beautiful weather, great food, lots of different kinds of boats, seadoos, skis, tubes, air mattresses and the like! And Captain JJ took to swimming (or more accurately, to climbing on me when I went swimming … he’s the drowned rat on my back in case you didn’t recognize him!).
To top my summer off, today I’m heading over to Seattle for some girl time with my cousin Carla and to catch the Abraham-Hicks workshop … which I attend every year around this time. Really looking forward to being in that good feeling room and appreciating Esther in action. I wrote an article a while back about how to best prepare for your first Abraham-Hicks workshop, you can catch it here. I highly recommend attending a live Vortex of Creation workshop in your area if you can (Esther so far is continuing the travel schedule that she and Jerry set before his passing last year).
Yours in Visual Expansion and SHIFTing IT,
Christina Merkley,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
and Interactive-Visuals Mentor