In Your Words
Posted on December 21, 2012 by Christina Merkley

Rosanna von Sacken
“I have had the privilege in taking a number of training programs with Christina, who has been a pioneer in moving forward visual recording, visual facilitation and visual coaching as professions in Canada and internationally. I learned a great deal through the Fundamentals of Interactive Visuals, and later through the Magic Marker Mastermind. I grew and honed my visual skills with Christina’s support and coaching. I particularly enjoyed the camaraderie and friendships developed. Nothing beats the in-person MMM retreat where we shared ideas, drew madly in our graphic jams for difficult concepts, learned from each other and explored emerging tools and techniques.
Christina has shared her experiences and know how in the worlds of graphic recording, facilitation and coaching, which supported my vision of growing the visual side of my business that continues to manifest itself. It is an honor to have learned from one of the best. I can’t help but smile when I spend hours doing what I love. Thank you, Christina.”
Rosanna von Sacken
Consultant / Facilitator / Visual Recorder
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada