I’m so remiss on writing the e-Zine … cause these first weeks of the year have been so busy!!! Three programs have successfully launched, including two that have had in-person retreats.
Plus we’ve been adding new staff to our team to grow SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc to the next level (welcome Lilia and Tamsyn … it’s been wonderful having you jump into the swirl!).
In mid-January our Magic Marker Mastermind members gathered in Victoria, British Columbia to kick off 6-months of specialized visual mentorship.
Limited to just 7 people for individualized attention (ok, we snuck in an 8th) this group supports one another to take their own visual practices up to the next level. Spread across North America, it’s lovely to come together, pick up our markers and meet in person … work online for a few months, then return again in May for more face-to-face time.

Magic Marker Mastermind 2013, Limited to Just 7!
Then January 26-27, I joined my collaborators, Sheila and Marcus Gillette in Los Angeles, California to kick off our THEO Accelerator … a spiritually focused Mastermind of 21, to Manifest Your Soul-Fulfilled Self. All participants AND facilitators of the SHIFT our world is going through, this dynamic group assembled for the first time … although given our Soul Family nature it all felt wonderfully familiar to meet face-to-face.

The 2013 THEO Accelerator (first cohort ever!)
In addition to these two special masterminds, we also kicked off our SHIFT-IT Online experience (7 online sessions that works you step-by-step through our signature SHIFT-IT System®) … visual strategic planning for heart based individuals).
I hope your year has taken off with a satisfying bang too — interesting energies about our planet at this time! I’ve decided to write this issue’s article on “Give Yet Know Your True Worth” … a little bit about the Law of Reciprocity for those who are natural Givers.
Yours in acceleration,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
and Interactive-Visuals Mentor
P.S. Looking for Content Development / Writing Assistant: Given how long it takes me to write e-Zine and blog posts these days, we are on the look out for a great, visually-oriented person to help us with the prep of this e-Zine plus other writing for blog and social media. If you love the visual way of working, have social media suave, enjoy interviewing, writing and assembling info on topics of interest for SHIFT-IT readers (process work, interactive-visuals, law of attraction, business basics, etc.) please contact admin@shift-it-coach.com to express your interest in teaming with us.