Sean Griffin
“Christina, I want to thank you for our brief, but oh so powerful, conversation a couple years back when I was outreach for Graphic Facilitators. In those brief moments you asked me if working for the government facilitating projects with the likes of the Army was really what I wanted to be doing. That, it sounded like supporting startups and entrepreneurs is what excites me. You said, “I hear in your voice you really are into your entrepreneurship programs why aren’t you doing more of what motivates you.”
How right you were and are! That is now all I do, traveling around the world training mentors and mentoring entrepreneurs through a global network of StartUp Cup business model competitions. Check It Out Here!
We are now working in Egypt to support entrepreneurial ecosystem design and capacity building. Awesome! We are in 22 countries with over 31 StartUp Cups being organized this year and growing. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is our latest StartUp Cup and we announced the World StartUp Cup during the Global Entrepreneurship Congress. I am on the path and doing what I am meant to be doing, not what I think I should be doing just because I am good at it. Have even figured out how to integrate my self-guided visual thinking tools, VizToolz, to support each step of the StartUp and business building process. They are like Garanimals for startups 😉
Your words and intention stick with me and I am forever grateful because those words caused me to pause long enough and focus on sticking to my purpose and where I add the greatest value possible.
Thank you for being such a great influence in my life. Sending love your way,
Sean Griffin
CEO/Founder, Startup Cup