View from Mount Doug, in Victoria, Canada
After my Mexican mountain getaway, I’ve been continuing with the hiking that got started at Rancho La Puerta. Luckily our local weather has continued to be pretty nice … allowing JJ and I to hike our beautiful area. A favorite is a local park called Mount Doug (to the Coast Salish people its Pkols … much more fitting than the Colonial Governor sticking his name on!).
JJ now has a frequent visitor at the office … Bandit!

JJ and Bandit: Office Buddies
The Law of Attraction works pretty strongly here with Yorkies, not only does Stasi have Bandit, but Jane (who helps out on Mondays) has some too! JJ has short hair now, which will be easier for when Victoria’s rainy season hits (FYI, it’s NOT fun walking a shivering 3 lb dog when it pours!). I used to think it was goofy when people dressed their small dogs … now I know why they do it, it’s needed!
On the work front, our fall semester of classes has begun. SHIFT-IT Online kicked off recently (you can still join in if you like), plus Fundamentals of Interactive-Visuals (Online Version) starts October 21st. Occasionally you’ll see or hear Yorkies in the background!
Enjoy your remaining days of summer (if you are Northern Hemisphere). See you in our upcoming fall or 2014 classes!
Yours in visual expansion,
Christina Merkley
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Interactive-Visuals Mentor
P.S. For 2013-2014 course schedule, click here.
P.P.S. Visual Coaching Opportunity
Our 2013 Visual Coach Certification is nearing Exit Exam time. Part of their Exam Process requires live coaching of a Test Client through a map of the SHIFT-IT System® (by phone).