Have you registered yet? FYI, a final reminder about today’s “Introduction to Interactive-Visuals” Webinar … at noon Pacific today! If you can’t make it live, register anyways to receive the Video Recording afterwards.
* Otherwise known as chartwork, visual facilitation, graphic facilitation, visual recording, scribing, graphic recording, visual coaching, etc. etc. etc.
This educational opportunity is for Consultants, Facilitators, Managers, Coaches, Therapists and
other Process Professionals.
Illustrators, Designers, Artists, Scribes and other creatives will also benefit.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Noon Pacific (1 Mnt, 2 Ctrl, 3 Estrn,
Europe: Evenings, AustralAsia: Mornings
Join us for the ins and outs on what Interactive-Visuals really is and how adding this skill to your process toolkit is not only a smart business investment but a smart personal investment too — given the fun, pleasure and creativity that working visually adds to your life.
Looking forward to sharing some great information and inspiration with you!
Yours in Visual Expansion,
P.S. Click Here to Register for the Intro to Interactive-Visuals Webinar (including to receive the Replay Video if you can’t join us live).
P.P.S. Interested to develop your visual chops? FYI, our Fundamentals of Interactive-Visuals (online version) begins October 21st, just 5 spots left!
I was to watch the Intro Class today but I was called away – is there a possibilitiy of viewing it now?
Geri, just go ahead and register anyways (even if its after the fact ,,, up to a day). We’ll be sending a link to the Replay video once its ready, to all who have registered. Thanks for your interest!