Calmed By White Buffalo Calf Woman

I’ll admit it – it irritated me … a pro bono client for my free BodyTalk Offer stood me up today.  On a Saturday no less.  You gotta understand, I hardly EVER get stood up anymore in my regular practice.  Very, very rarely someone might screw up their time conversion (cause I work with folks in lots of time zones) however that’s about it. I’m spoiled that way.  Lots of alignment.

But its happened twice now with these free BT sessions I’ve been doing.  Two out of all the lovely (and time responsible) clients who have made it, isn’t that much (given pro bono does bring more of this kind of dynamic with it sadly).  But nonetheless it triggered me … the ego came out (doesn’t she get who I am and what an opportunity this is … gross)  And also frustration and deep, lurking fear – cause I work really hard and put out a lot, and lately I’m becoming strangely tired and VERY aware of my need to look after myself better. I could have (should have!) used that time to extend my morning walk with my Mom and the dogs out in nature.  Not responsibly rush back to the city.

Well, this taught me a VERY valuable lesson.  No more working on Saturdays Christina especially for pro bono! You need that time for you. To rejuice, revive and chill out.   Its the oxygen mask analogy, one can’t help others until they first take care of themselves.  Are you going to get that now  Christina?!  I hope so. I declare, I will get better at that!  You are my witness.

Soooooo, I now have a little time on my hands (have another client at 3pm, so can’t just leave the office despite my epiphany).  But now this gives me some time to do a little writing, which is a commitment I have made to myself (to write more and post directly on the blog).  A little luxury which I enjoy. Something that I’ve getting guidance to do more. So I trolled through some saved up content not knowing what I was looking for until I saw her … that gorgeous, mysterious, wise woman,  White Buffalo Calf Woman.  Ahhhhhhh, she feels right.  She has something for me this morning …. and probably for you too.

Here’s a poem that the Lakota attribute to her.  More than a poem, a way of living.  Apparently its time has come for me to read it and share it.  Thank you Sue for finding it for me.

Lakota Instructions for Living

Friend do it this way – that is,
whatever you do in life,
do the very best you can
with both your heart and mind.

And if you do it that way,
the Power Of  The Universe
will come to your assistance,
if your heart and mind are in Unity.

When one sits in the Hoop Of  The People,
one must be responsible because
All of Creation is related.
And the hurt of one is the hurt of all.
And the honor of one is the honor of all.
And whatever we do effects everything in the universe.

If you do it that way – that is,
if you truly join your heart and mind
as One – whatever you ask for,
that’s the Way It’s Going To Be.

~Passed down from White Buffalo Calf Woman

Thank you White Buffalo Calf Woman, I needed to hear that. And you bring a calm and soothing presence, and a sense of the wild plain.  Ahhhhhhhhhhh, relief.

Have a great Saturday!

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2 comments on “Calmed By White Buffalo Calf Woman

  1. Hannah on

    Oh Christina, I resonate on so many levels!! I am your witness and you are mine. I’m sooo glad to hear you choosing to rest and take care of yourself. Spoken as one who has recently manifested a stress fracture in my foot to literally slow me down to half speed for another couple months. I guess my body has a lot to say to me lately. Perhaps round 2 of my Viz Coach Certification will be successful next year when I too create those types of boundaries (charge a small fee so they value it too, do not let it interfere with my personal time, etc). xo H

  2. Pat on

    Great article Christina. You do need that day for yourself. I’m learning that too. Even if I work on a Saturday and am being paid at the same time it doesn’t help me in the long run. I get so much by getting totally off the computer for even just that one day (sometimes both Saturday and Sunday!)

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