A Note From Christina

The current SHIFT-IT School semester is winding down.  Wrapped Visual Coach Certification mid-month (the fabulous coaches-in-training have moved into the client hours phase of the program). And my Magic Marker Masterminders are coming next week for their final retreat (6 months has flown by and the shifts have been amazing!).

Patricia, Theresa, Jessica and Elizabeth (my team whom I’m so appreciative of) have been hard at work refreshing our sites with the fall 2014 and 2015 schedule.

Today I’m flying to Calgary, Alberta for another BodyTalk related training, called "MindScape". It’s gonna teach me, among other things, how to do my BodyTalk sessions from a distance (the super cool thing about energy/consciousness medicine is it’s not a requirement that we be in the same physical location). I’ll be experimenting with this over the summer and will open up some distance slots in the fall (for my long-distance clients who have been wanting to get in on this fascinating protocol).

Have a great weekend all.
Christina Merkley, The SHIFT-IT Coach and Interactive-Visuals Mentor
Christina Merkley,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
and Interactive-Visuals Mentor

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