I’ve lived on and off here in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada since my teens. And I have never seen an Orca from the regular land of town, until today!
JJ and I were getting in our morning ritual, a walk in the leash off area of Dallas Road … when we entered two people peering off into the hazy ocean. “There are Orcas out there”, the man in the baseball cap said, pointing off towards a barge in the distance. Sure enough, a whale surfaced right where he was pointing. What a pleasure to walk our shore with this whale bopping along.
Now, I’m one for looking up the significance of special or unusual animal encounters. Have my little “Animal Speak: Pocket Guide” by Ted Andrews up on my shelf. Just pulled it down and here’s what it says about Orca:
Orca (Creative Depths)
Seek out new depths and new sources for creative nourishment. Working with others opens new opportunities.
LOL, funny that, just shared yesterday with the current cohort in Visual Coach Certification that I’m in the midst of productizing some of my base courses, in order to free me up for new pursuits. Am itching to develop some upper level personal and professional skills offerings. Plus get back to my painting. Thanks Orca, I hear ya!
Another animal that has shown up in the last week is the Bald Eagle. Normally I am thrilled to see them and don’t want them to fly away, but now that I’m the owner of a 3.5 pound dog they make me paranoid (heard one to many stories of them flying off with pets). In an effort to reprogram my associations, here is what Eagle is listed as:
Eagle (healing visions)
Spirit Vision and healing surround you. Look at things from new perspective. Take a different path. Trust what you are becoming.
Ahhhhhh, that one really landed. Taking a different path is necessary but not always easy. I’ve been through that many times in my unfolding path, and help a lot of others do that too. TRUST. I think that’s going to be my meditation this summer. Slow down, take the steps and TRUST!
The SHIFT-IT and Interactive-Visuals Mentor