A belated Happy Canada Day to the Canucks and Happy 4th to the Yanks! Our summer is officially kicking off with these celebrations.
Been a great couple of weeks since the last eZine …
The lovely ladies of Magic Marker Mastermind completed their final retreat of their 6-month program.
What a delight they have been – dedicated, committed, open minded … with huge shifts as a result. Much advancement in visual skills (busting through blocks to work big and also online), one going internal (after years of self employment), another making a strategic shift to full-time Graphic Recording (after an impressive scientific career), another completing her thesis and making a happy decision to relocate to the U.K., another cracking the code on developing her own online curriculum within her I.T. company (using her brand spanking new tablet). Another weaving visuals and other leading-edge practices into her role in academia and beyond. The list of their shifts goes on and on. Thanks gals, you were an absolute delight to hold the space for! And the Mindscape and group BodyTalk were icing on the cake!

West Coast Taxi
Talking of Mindscape … I just did two back-to-back weekends of travel trips. The first to Calgary to take Sylvia Muiznieks’ beginning Mindscape course (one of the Life Skills courses in BodyTalk). The second to Vancouver to take the Advanced Mindscape offering. Took the seaplane from Victoria to Vancouver. Not only does it get me harbour to harbour in 30 minutes, but the beautiful view is always a great way to begin my day (and proof that Victoria does indeed get much better weather than Vancouver, ha!).
So, what’s Mindscape?! It’s a wonderful ‘inner work’ modality (not too dissimilar to some of the depth psychology and hypnotherapy skills I already possess). Great tool for Process Professionals to easily access Alpha State and Intuition (non-local consciousness) in order to sort things out in our own lives and as a tool for working with our client base. Was able to weave it right into the MMM Retreat and it’s been popping up in private client sessions now too. And, it also allows me to add Distance BodyTalk sessions to my roster (which I’ll be doing in the fall when I return from taking the month of August off).
Things are busy here the next few weeks with lots of administrative projects and private coaching. Then it’s a month off to unplug, have fun, and rejuice my batteries … got a dynamic fall around the corner.
Have a great weekend all. See you in a few weeks.
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
Christina Merkley,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
and Interactive-Visuals Mentor