Had a lovely time last week providing a 2-Day Visual Skills in-house workshop to a group of Process Professionals in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Thank you Erin Campbell Howell of ECHI Consulting Inc. for making this happen (including the schlepping of materials and this trainer!).
As I wrote last issue, I was a little concerned about going to the prairies in the middle of December, but the weather was surprisingly balmy (I totally lucked out … or prairie hospitality goes above and beyond in turning the temp up for their guest!).

I appreciate doing in-house trainings because it gives me a chance to work with a group that is more cohesive than the public workshops I generally run (where attendees come from all over with wide ranging backgrounds and experience levels).
Not only was this group all from the same geographical area (and most knew each other) they were also nicely seasoned process leaders well versed in change management, organizational development, strategic planning and the like. So I could craft the training to their needs and speak at a higher level of sophistication … mostly focused on Studio Work and Graphic Facilitation (with a little Graphic Coaching thrown in for good measure).
If you are in an organization and have 12 or more people interested in the visual way of working, please keep me in mind for a customized in-house workshop. Also great for individuals (like Erin) who want to take the lead in bringing visual skills to their geographical area and peer cohort.
Well, this season whipped by and we find ourselves at the brick of winter holidays.
May I take this opportunity on behalf of all of us here at SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc. (Christina, Patricia, Theresa, Elizabeth and Jessica) to wish you and yours a very Merry Xmas and holiday season!
As per usual at this time of year, I’m gifting my MINI SHIFT-IT RETREAT eBook, complete with four visual maps and instructions.
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Interactive-Visuals Mentor