Things continue to flow beautifully this season which I’m so appreciative of … so nice to fill my days with activities and people that I really enjoy!
Various SHIFT-IT School News:
I’ve said my ‘until we meet agains’ to the latest online cohort of Fundamentals of Working Visually. They did really great with sticking with the structure and step-by-step completing the program (how do you eat an elephant, one bite at a time … gross analogy but hopefully you get the point!). Well done gang, really proud of your progress, your developments have been very impressive!
FYI, my team has just put the next online offering of this course up on the website — it’ll be offered again in the fall Oct. 3 – Dec. 14th.

Reserve Your Place at the Wall!
If you want to get Visual Skills into your toolkit faster, then come to the in-person 3-day course offered in a few weeks (one spot still left!) or do-it-yourself via the Home Study Kit.
For those who already have the Fundamentals (through me or equivalent experience) just a reminder that the Magic Marker Retreat on June 6-7 is designed just for you!
A rare opportunity to gather in-person with fellow Visual Practitioners for an intensive professional and personal growth experience. Rocket fuel for your visual practice! FYI, we have just one spot left in this one too, so nab it quick, your visual self will be glad you did!

Melanie Having Fun at the Wall
Congrats to Melanie Zucker, Newly Certified Visual Coach:
A big hearty CONGRATULATIONS to Melanie Zucker from Germany. Melanie was in the 2015 cohort for Visual Coach Certification and just completed her grad requirements (she was a little delayed due to some unforeseen circumstances).
Well done Melanie on your successful completion, your work is not only logically strong but aesthetically too, and it’s a real treat to have you as our second German language graduate. See Melanie’s blurb below for further info and her site url.
News On My Upcoming Temporary Move:
In the last issue of this eZine I mentioned how a big ol’ building is going to be built next to me this fall – impacting my ability to work from my studio (I need a quiet place to run webinars from).
Victoria’s rental market is so tight that finding a tenant for my place, even with construction going on, should be relatively easy. However, finding an alternative location for myself (and JJ my teeny, well behaved Yorkie) is turning out to be trickier.

Drawing Location Options to Us
Please let us know if you have anything or know of leads in the local area or even elsewhere that might be suitable.
I can pretty much go anywhere as long as the internet is strong and conditions are suitable for a soft-top convertible and a fairweather dog.
Not opposed to stringing a few opportunities together to make it a year of adventure until its quiet enough to get back into my own digs
Theme of the Article for This Issue:
Today’s article is inspired from several conversations with clients in my private coaching practice. Lately, I’ve fielded similar questions from several clients about ‘how did YOU do it’? The ‘it’ being how did I make my creative-work a priority.
See article below for my responses including how I don’t think of it as my ‘creative’ work, I think of it as my ‘prime’. And how sometimes ‘burning your boat’ is a good thing (or having it burnt for you).
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Process Skills Mentor