Yay, with the Winter Solstice the light is returning here in the Northern Hemisphere. I don’t know about you, but those last weeks of November and early December I always feel like I’m being squeezed in a vice. So I’m thankful when the pressure gets released … ahhhhhhhh!
All fall classes for SHIFT-IT School have been fulfilled … thank you to the awesome Fundamentals of Working Visually online cohort we had this season. I really enjoyed “meeting” all of you and helping you develop and improve your Visual Skills. Always a little sad when I wrap a great cohort, however I know I’ll see some of you again and you will keep us posted on your developments. Watch out world, they are headed your way!
Visual Coaching Volunteer Opportunity:
Another group of Process Professionals headed out into the world with powerful skills and expanded hearts is the 2016 cohort of Visual Coach Certification. They are headed for the finish line of their Exit Exam (where they perform live Visual Coaching with a Test Client as part of their exam).
FYI, we need Volunteer Test Clients if you’d like to help out a coach by offering yourself. Just write my assistant Patricia at admin@shift-it-coach.com and she’ll add you to our Test Client list.
As the Visual Coaches schedule their exams we email our Test Client List to find someone who can be their client. Usually a good win/win opportunity for all involved. Thank you SO MUCH to our volunteers, we really appreciate you!
If you too are interested in adding visual skills to your process work with individuals, our 2017 Visual Coach Cohort starts in April. Attracts coaches, therapists, counselors, teachers, consultants, disability specialists, financial advisors, and other Process Professionals from around the globe.
In closing for this year, I’d like to thank you for being a valued part of the SHIFT-IT Community. I’m very fortunate in that I get to interact daily with wonderful, dedicated people who are ‘fighting the good fight’ so to speak.
Thank you for enabling me to do what I do … and together we help shift ourselves, our families, our groups and hopefully our world-at-large too.
2016 was a remarkable year as 2017 looks like it will be too. The SHIFT times are upon us, it’s all hands on deck! As I do each holiday season, please see below my visual gift of a Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat. May it be helpful in getting your mind and heart ready for the year ahead.
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Process Skills Mentor