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In my Practical Energy Work courses I work with various kinds of Process Professionals, to help them more effectively tap into their intuitive Right Brain … where A LOT of inspiration, creativity and wisdom resides. Being able to access their intuition quickly and smoothly helps them to operate more efficiently in their work and life.
Our modern, go-go-go world tends to be very Left-Brain centric (logical, rational, linear, structured, masculine, etc.). The Right Brain unfortunately tends to get overlooked or even denigrated (emotional, spiral, intuitive, flow, feminine, etc.). Even though it’s always there humming along in the background, for those with senses to pick up on its helpful signals.
Process Professionals are an interesting bunch. In my experience, we tend to be pretty ‘whole brained’ even if we aren’t fully aware of what we are instinctively doing. In order to effectively work with groups and individuals, we manage both the logical AND the intuitive sides of ourselves and our clients.
We logically contract for and design a structure before we begin work with our clients. And, when we execute that structure we also have to intuitively be ‘in the now’ and ‘go with the flow’. A successful Process Professional is good at structure AND flow and responds to what is showing up with their clients, even the unexpected. And has learned to use “spidey senses” to figure out what is going on and how to effectively respond.
Your Spidey Senses: Otherwise Known as “The Clairs”
Our Left-Brains deal in the literal physical matter world. Our Right-Brains deal in the symbolic subtle energy world. The bridge between the physical and subtle is in our intuitive senses, which piggy back off of our physical senses: see, hear, feel, smell, touch, taste … and know.
The subtle world speaks in its own language. It speaks in symbols, signs, synchronicities, hunches and feelings. Anyone, with some education and practice, can strengthen your ability to sense and receive the signals your Right Brain is sending.
Another way to conceptually think of the Right Brain is to think of it as your Subconscious Mind (which is in turn tapped into the Collective Unconscious … the all that is). Your subconscious picks up on everything, however it conveys via a figurative language while the Left Brain is literal (the Left Brain is a little dense and needs things spelled out for it!).
Quiet Down and Learn to Receive Subtle Input:
The term ‘subtle’ is used to describe messages from the sub conscious for a reason … it’s not loud and in your face, instead it’s often very quiet, soft and poking around the periphery.
We usually need to slow and quiet ourselves down in order to pick up on subtle communications. We need to soothe our frantic sympathetic nervous system in order to engage with our calmer parasympathetic side. Subtle signals can’t get through when we are running around in high beta frequency. We need to calm ourselves in order to enter alpha states and beyond. Sometimes people are shocked to find out that they have been receiving communication from their Right Brain (and all that the Right Brain is tapped into) all along, but they never realized those soft, subtle signals were something to pay attention to!
Definitions on the Main Clair Abilities: Which Do You Favor?
Below are the main ‘clair’ abilities … the channels through which human beings receive subtle information. Some people are unusually gifted in one or several of these intuitive gifts. They are the psionic heavy hitters of the human race: mediums, seers, oracles, helpers and healers. However all human beings do have and use these sense channels to some extent or other, whether they are consciously aware of it or not. Spidey senses, street smarts, business intuition or mother’s intuition … are some of the other names that are commonly used to describe clair abilities.
Ability to SEE energy and info.
Pay attention to what crosses your sight, particularly what you see in your peripheral vision. What stands out? What do you notice? Anything strange or odd pop up? Out of its usual place? What is particularly bright or dark? What glows? What sparkles? Colors? What is hidden? Full on clairvoyants literally see the subtle realm and all that resides in it. Those with less dramatic visual skills get episodes of subtle sight, and/or glimpses and winks.
You’re a highly visual person and are likely to notice how people, places, and even meals look before you focus on anything else. You’re probably very artistic; or if you’re not creative in this way, you have an excellent eye for putting together wardrobes, interior design, and such. Visual harmony is important to you, and you appreciate anything that’s pleasing to the eye. You probably see sparkling or flashing lights when energies move around you, and you’ve most likely seen a departed loved one out of the corner of your eye before. You have mental visions of possibilities, and you have the ability to put these intentions into action. You receive info through mental images; signs that you witness with your physical eyes (anything that’s meaningful that you see); repeating number sequences (such as 111, 444, and so on); finding coins; seeing butterflies, birds, and colors around people; and other visual means. Trust these visions—they’re signals you are picking up!
Ability to HEAR energy and info.
Pay attention to what you hear, especially to soft whispers, from inside or outside of your head. What do you hear? What is quiet? What is loud? What’s missing? Anything you hear that is unusual? Notice the snippets of conversation that float your way. Song lyrics. Music. The sounds of nature including animals. Sirens. Alarms. Beeps. Chimes. Chuckles. Intakes of breath. Full on Clairaudients hear messages and interpret, dictate or translate blocks of information they receive. Those with less dramatic audient skills get headlines, snippets, words or distinct sounds.
You’re very sensitive to noise, and you’re the first one to cringe at off-key notes or other unpleasant sounds. You can remember song. Its best if you use earplugs when traveling, as sensitivity to noise makes it difficult for you to sleep or relax on airplanes and in hotel rooms. For the same reason, you avoid the first few rows at loud concerts. When you use alarm clocks, you prefer waking to soft music on the radio rather than loud buzzing sounds. The subtle realms communicate to you with words that you hear inside or outside your mind. During emergencies, a loud voice outside of one ear warns you of danger. These voices, unlike an auditory hallucination, are loving, to the point, and inspiring—even when it asks you to do something heroic, or function beyond what you believe are your capacities. You may wake up to music and your name being called in the morning.
Ability to FEEL via emotions, physical or gut feelings.
Pay attention to what registers in your body as feelings or sensations. Your body is like an antenna, which receives signals. What emotions are you feeling? How does the room feel? Tone? Atmosphere? How does it register in your somatic (body) as you step closer or step away? What are you drawn to? What are you repelled by? A full-on Clairsentient is an Empath … they literally take on the feelings and/or sensations of others, sometimes becoming or channeling them. Those with less dramatic sentient skills may be good at reading vibes and literally feeling the room.
You interact with the world through your physical and emotional feelings. You’re highly sensitive and may have difficulty dealing with crowds, including driving on busy streets and highways. You sometimes confuse others’ feelings for your own. You’re very compassionate, and often feel the pain of those around you. You may overeat or indulge to deal with overwhelming feelings. You want to help others to feel happy, and want to help them.
You’ve been called “too sensitive,” yet your sensitivity has made you a delicate receiving instrument through your heart and body. You feel joy as an indicator that you’re on the right path; dread as a sign that changes, and healing are necessary; and fatigue as a clue that you need to take time for rest, play, and self-care. You can tell whether a person is trustworthy or not, and your gut is accurate. You feel air-pressure and temperature changes and can sense energy around you.
Ability to KNOW via info received in head and/or body.
Pay attention to insights, ahhas and knowings that just appear seemingly out of nowhere without a lot of context. What do you know? What ahhas do you have? What lands in your head or somewhere else in your body as an answer or solution? Full on Precognitives know when something is going to happen. Those with less dramatic cognitive skills have ideas and answers arrive fully formed and often have to wait for others to catch up to them.
You’re an intellectual who receives direct communication through ideas and revelations. You often know facts (both trivial and important) as if the information was downloaded directly into your brain. You’re not comfortable with small talk, and prefer deeper and more profound discussions. You may feel uneasy around people, except in situations involving a subject of interest to you. You’re able to fix items without referring to instruction booklets, and you know how to fix people and situations, too. You’ve most likely been called a “know-it-all.” You may be skeptical about energy reception, unless you’ve had a dramatic experience that you can’t explain away. Subtle communication occurs through wordless impressions that you receive in your mind. You’re able to mentally ask for information or help and receive it as instructions. You receive ideas for inventions, teachings, and businesses that shouldn’t be ignored. The “Aha” moments are clues to when you’re connecting.
Ability to SMELL, TOUCH and TASTE energy and info.
Although less common, some people access the subtle field through their sense of smell, touch and taste.
Pay attention to what you smell, taste and touch. Some healers smell certain smells with certain bodily conditions, or notice certain tastes in their mouth. What’s bitter? What’s sweet? Metallic? Pungent? Some with the subtle skill of touch, can hold an object and receive information about its history, including owners and circumstances.
Why Clair Abilities Are Useful and Handy:
Clair abilities allow you to tap into a larger field of information rather than just the logical, linear mind. These abilities are handy for anyone who wants an edge in life or would like an easier, smoother and more enjoyable way to navigate through challenges. They are very useful for Process Professionals, as they give us additional ways to contemplate and operate with ourselves, our colleagues and our clients. Being “whole brained” rather than just Left-Brained, gives us more flexibility and options to help our clients find solutions to their stuck places.
Take a Fun Little Clair Test:
If you are new to the clair territory, here’s a fun little test to help you tease out what your own strengths and preferences may be. Do your best to answer instinctively to each scenario below. Don’t worry if the answers seem obvious … they are obvious to help you tease out how you naturally use your own set of senses and which you tend to favor. Somebody else will go for what is natural for them.
- When you initially meet someone new, what’s the first thing you tend to notice about the person?
A. The way the person looks, such as clothing, hair, teeth, shoes, or general attractiveness.
B. How you feel around the person, such as being comfortable, amused, safe, and so on.
C. Whether you find the person interesting, or believe this may be someone who can help you out in your career.
D. The sound of the person’s voice or laughter.
- Think back on a vacation you took. What stands out most in your memory?
A. The beautiful sights of nature, the architecture, or something that you witnessed.
B. The peaceful, romantic, restful, or exhilarating feelings associated with the trip.
C. The important and interesting cultural and/or historical information that you learned while traveling.
D. The sweet silence, the crashing surf, the chirping birds, the rustling leaves, music, or some other sound.
- Recall a movie that you truly enjoyed. When you think of that film, what comes to mind first?
A. The attractive actors and actresses, the lighting, the costumes, or the scenery.
B. The way the movie made you laugh, cry, or moved you in some other regard.
C. The interesting plot, or the life lessons that you or the movie’s characters learned during the story.
D. The musical score or the sound of the actors’ and actresses’ voices.
Tally Your Scores:
Tally up your scores. See letters below to see which letter corresponds to which clair type. Notice if all of your answers are the same letter. If so, you have a strong preference for a certain type of physical and subtle information. If you have two or more letters, you are more balanced in your sensing. Now that you have been introduced to these concepts, you will likely be more aware of when you are using your preferred styles. And hopefully give them a little more due than you have been.
- Clairvoyance (seer)
- Clairsentience (feeler)
- Claircognizance (knower)
- Clairaudience (hearer)
More Information and Next Steps:
Developing your Clair Abilities and coming from a more ‘whole brain’ approach is something everyone can do. Check out Practical Energy Work 1 and Practical Energy Work 2 for fascinating, online cohorts that attract Process Professionals from around the globe. Plus I’m available for Private Coaching and Energy Work Sessions (online and in-person) for tailor made support.