Hello from the woods of British Columbia! As I write the snow is starting to softly fall again. I’ve got my fingers crossed that it doesn’t get too thick and the power keeps steady. The generator is hauled to the side of the house just in case.
If you’ve been a reader of mine for a while, you know that I’m mid-way through a bit of a nature odyssey. My usual home and studio is having massive construction next to it, so I’ve temporarily relocated from the city center. It’s been 18 months now, and it looks like it may take another year until I can get back in. Meanwhile, I’m holed out in a more rural community.

My Office Window

End of the Lane
I grew up in this area (called Metchosin) … back then I couldn’t wait to get the heck out and see the world (so I did via my education and eventual international GR/GF career). Now, at mid-life, I’m appreciating the peace, quiet and groundedness of these roots.
Thankfully modern technology allows me to have the best of both worlds. Most of my teaching and coaching work is being done online now. Sprinkled with the necessity of driving or flying for in-person gigs. So, I have a busy work life while nestled in the beauty of this nature all around. It’s a nice balance I’m appreciative of.

The Gary Oaks Bluff

Overlooking the Lake
Our Spring 2018 season (someone needs to tell the weather its spring!) for SHIFT-IT School is off with a bang. The online version of Fundamentals of Working Visually launches on Monday (there are still a few spots left if you want to join this international cohort that meets via 18 live webinars). Plus, the in-person version of this course offered in Victoria, Canada in early June is almost sold out.
Practical Energy Work 2 and Visual Coach Certification launch in April. Be sure to get your pre-requisites done now if you are planning on applying for the latter.
Congrats to Louisa Marziali who is our first graduate from the 2017 cohort, as her cohort mates follow close on her heels (see her testimonial further down in this issue). The cohort for 2018 is forming and I look forward to mentoring you through the acquisition of Visual Coaching skills too.
Being as the woods and plants are so much in my immediate vicinity these days, I’ve decided to write about Ayahuasca Plant Medicine and its application to process work with groups and individuals.
I’ve hesitated on writing about this publicly, given its so leading edge. However, it’s not going away as Ayahuasca is circumnavigating the world in leaps and bounds. So, it’s important for us Process Professionals to be aware of it, given some of our clients, colleagues, friends, family and even ourselves may find it a potent tool for the challenges of post-modern life.
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Process Skills Mentor