It’s summer here in the Pacific Northwest and the living is easy … or at least warm! Summer is one of two chances throughout the year for me to take a few weeks off from client work and running courses. I love ya all however I need to take a break from time to time to keep me civil!
I’m still temporarily living outside of Victoria as construction drones on right next to my downtown work/live studio. The adjoining construction site has reached the top floor of my building (inches away from where my unit is) and are going up two more floors beyond. So, it’ll be another year at least before I move back in. If I do, I really love the peace and quiet of the country … and JJ has found his country dog groove.

City Life

Rural Life
In between weekend trips and plenty of rural beach time … I’ve been puttering with my team on doing course and site refreshes and other administrative stuff that must get done. A shout out to Patricia, Theresa, Elizabeth, Jessica and David … whose talents in customer service, programming, design, bookkeeping and SEO keep the wheels of SHIFT-IT School turning. Thank you for your hard work, I’m very fortunate to have such responsible people working with me.
FYI, we opted to bump the annual Summer Sale from July to early August. So if you wondering what happened to it, know you didn’t miss it, it’s coming next week. It’ll run Monday August 6th through Friday August 10th. As per usual we’ll have a good selection of live courses, home study kits, private visual skills training and private coaching included in the event. A good time to nab whatever item you have been eyeing in our curriculum.
During my time off I had a significant birthday — turned the big 5-0. Thanks for all the sweet, funny and mean comments posted on my FB page, hehe. Last summer I did an epic trip to Peru, so this year I kept it on the lowdown. Opting to celebrate with family and friends and then treat myself to another Shamanism training, this one on Death, Dying and the Beyond. Turns out many of you didn’t find that a surprising choice!
Apparently in Peru I went through an ‘ego death’ … the irony of saying that through an eZine publication is not lost on me. Not sure if that’s true (or if all of us at mid-life experience a mellowing and wake up call) but this issue’s article is dedicated to “Ego and Other Deaths” as I share some thoughts and resources about the shift of all shifts.
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Process Skills Mentor