From the misty coast of Western Canada, I wish you and yours the very best for this holiday season.
2018 has been an extremely busy, challenging and fulfilling year. Thank you to the participants of my SHIFT-IT School. What an honour to assist such smart, kind and committed people! In 2019 I will continue to train and coach people from across the globe both in-person (for those who travel here to Victoria, British Columbia) and increasingly via online technology from the comfort of our own locations.
Having participated in and helped grow the rapidly emerging Visual Process Field it feels like I and we are now moving up to the next level. Our useful Visual Skills have spread worldwide into all sorts of geographies, populations and applications. Just in time to assist humanity in sorting out the massive environmental, technological and governance challenges that we collectively face across the planet.
Its game time for us committed Process Professionals. Time to get out there and help the strategic conversations and actions that must happen to assist the human race in our maturation process.

That’s going to sound egotistical or overblown to some. But for others, you resonate with what I am expressing. You have been feeling it too. You’ve been drawn to the visual way of working because you feel the heart, soul and organic essence of what these humane and useful tools are all about.
Our techniques and tools help people be human during these incredible times of change. You and your markers (be they physical or digital) play an important and needed role in helping humanity hopefully successfully navigate through our current crossroads.
My personal mission is to help as many of you as I can. Get you equipped with visual and other process tools and soothe whatever resistance you have in effectively using them. So you can confidently stand where you are planted and do your piece of the puzzle. As practitioners we aren’t in competition, we are in collaboration to a bigger play that requires ALL OF US.
These aren’t easy times that we live in. But they are interesting and it is an honorable use of your time, energy and skills to participate in the Process Profession.

I salute you for your dedication, perseverance and spirit. And feel so blessed to play a role in your unfoldment and development. As Jim Channon my mentor used to say … Go Planet!
You’ll continue to hear me gently coax and strongly support you (and myself!) during 2019 and beyond. SHIFT-IT School continues to offer courses and coaching (2 new courses have been added this year). And I continue to commit to my own ongoing personal and professional development to be the best teacher, coach and colleague that I can be.
As I do every year at this time, please find below my gift of a Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat. A visual aid to help you reflect on the year that has passed and pre-pave the year that is right around the corner. A tool to help you confidently SEE the unfoldment of life through your unique vessel. May 2019 bring you, yours and our planet a year of beautiful growth and higher evolution beyond the bumpy ride.
Yours in SHIFTing IT,

P.S. If you’d like some spiritually minded company to complete your Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat, an FYI that I’m co-leading a Condensed Online Retreat this upcoming weekend with Spiritual Youtuber Bridget Nielsen. Additionally my annual Full Online Retreat starts mid January.