Hope you are doing ok through the tumultuousness of 2020.
I’ve been trying to write an eZine for months now. Just when I think I have it, the world shifts again and makes what I wrote obsolete. We do not live in boring times!
Local Conditions:
Here on Vancouver Island, in British Columbia, Canada, we are executing a 4 phase restart plan, of which we are currently in stage 3. Dr. Bonnie Henry our province’s Chief Medical Officer has become a beloved heroine for the region due to her ‘be kind, be calm, and be safe’ messaging.
Impacts on my SHIFT-IT School:
All of my public in-person trainings are cancelled and remain so for the foreseeable future. There is currently one exception. Unless circumstances downgrade, I can host private in-person trainings and visual coaching retreats for Canadian residents (or those who have passed quarantine measures from abroad).
These one-to-one offerings are held at my studio in the Metchosin Art and Cultural Centre (an hour outside of Victoria). Social distancing and other practical measures are in effect.
When the pandemic hit I had several online courses scheduled which went ahead as planned, including my divinely timed Shift Into Digital Work (Home Study Kit coming).
My thanks goes out to the participants in the winter/spring semester and to my co-hosts. That was certainly an interesting experience being a consistent touchpoint during an unfolding global pandemic. I appreciate the bonds that flourished as a result. I get teary just thinking of you!

8 Home Study Kits
More Home Study Kits and Upcoming Online Courses:
My team and I are in the midst of adding 3 more Home Study Kits to the 5 Kits I already offer. We’ll have them ready soon for those who want to pursue professional and personal development during these unfolding times.
Two online courses are coming up: a SHIFT-IT Visual Coaching Retreat on August 28-30. And the fall offering of Visual Coach Certification begins September 22nd (just 1 spot left).
I’m also in the midst of creating some 6 Month Support Groups — to take us through into 2021.
Continued Free 2020 Support:
I repurposed my Working Visually eCommunity and SHIFT-IT eCommunity in order to provide free 2020 support to anyone (not just my grads) in both a group and individual format.
Some of the most meaningful work of my life is occurring in these two new containers. They are hairy, provocative, rich, deep, exhilarating, and amazing. Feels like I’ll continue these offerings for the foreseeable future. More on them in the article below.
Inner Guidance Says — Move to Spirit Bay:
When my inner guidance signals, I listen to it. I shifted most of my work online years ago – something many are now being required to do.
To counter the increased time spent with electronics, I moved to increasingly more rural settings. Nature works as a necessary balancing agent to being plugged in so much.
During the pandemic, I got the inner message to move closer to the ocean and create a garden. Following that nudge, in May I moved to a community called Spirit Bay, ten minutes down Rocky Point from my studio.
In solidarity as we shift individually and collectively. Hang in there. This is why we came. You can do it! You can be it! Keep going.
Remember that pressure is just a natural part of the journey to becoming a diamond!
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
Christina Merkley
SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc.