I am pleased to announce the Certified Visual Coach® graduation of Clare North of United Kingdom!

Clare North
Certified Visual Coach
Clare and I first connected in my Fundamentals of Working Visually course, when she was learning and implementing Graphic Facilitation techniques into her work as an internal I.T. transformation leader in a multinational biotech firm.
Helping internal groups be even more effective and productive with Agile, Lean and Strategic Planning protocols.
With her strong background in science, tech, engineering and math, it’s been fascinating to witness and guide her in applying the visual skills into her leadership, career and team coaching responsibilities as well.
She increasingly worked deeper and more personally with her clients, both internally in her organization and in her own independent coaching practice.
With my Practical Energy Work (Orphan Rescue) as an early catalyst, she became very interested in, and gained additional training in, the trauma, somatic and embodiment realms.
Clare works with smart folks in the science, engineering and tech worlds who, like her, have different perspectives and ideas than the usual norms. As she describes it, she works with the mavericks, rebels and weirdos (haha, my kinda crowd). She helps head-smart folks rediscover their bodies and the wealth of additional intelligence that resides there… drawing it out visually of course!
Visual Coach Certification gave her structured tools that are logical but also help her to help her clients discover new information about themselves through other routes. The visuals are an easy way into challenging territory. She never knew how to work with erroneous beliefs, barriers and resistance before as other training didn’t do anything beyond list. My tools give her ways to SHIFT-IT! Plus, her cohort and I helped her move into digital facilitation and coaching, just in time as the pandemic hit.
Here’s Clare’s contact info as she joins our roster of Certified Visual Coaches from around the globe.
Clare North
Derbyshire, United Kingdom
Thanks for your alliance, Clare. All the best with your internal and external practices!