Fall is here in the Pacific Northwest, and with it comes much-welcomed rains, after a fiery summer.
In between Zooms with clients and students, I tend my little garden, readying it for winter.
I have a bounty of tomatoes and red potatoes, tiny yet delicious. The herbs, chard and radishes should hold up for a while yet.
In the fallow areas, I’m sprinkling cedar as mulch, so the soil has protection from the elements in the cooler months. Hunkering down.

Buddha in Residence

Presley Blowing Kisses
I’m hunkering down too this fall, as the division and strife in the world intensifies.
I made a trip to our provincial legislature this weekend. Back in my youth, I worked for the New Democratic Party (NDP) at the Office of the Premier, before I left Canada to go to grad school in California. So I have long ago history with this building and some who currently occupy it.
There is a very moving display on the steps of this imposing stone capital. To acknowledge and mourn the 1000s of First Nations children who lost their lives under the governmental and societal policies of the not-so-distant past. The toys, shoes, and other poignant mementos are a strong visual statement of the trauma then, and continuing into the now. I extend my deep condolences and support.
As I stood there, being emotionally impacted by the powerful symbolism, much activity was going on around me. A protest about the medical segregation with mandates our province has chosen to implement, and the busy finish line of a bike race with riders and their cheerleaders. Such a juxtaposition of energies, jostling in the same time/space continuum.
I couldn’t help but wonder how our current times will be viewed in the future. What will we get right? What will we get horribly wrong? Why? How will the political, economic, corporate, health, education and other societal strategies fare in the light of greater consciousness?
In my work, I hear what is happening for many people, their families, their worksites and their regions. And I have the honor to sit and facilitate visual process work with them. Everyone is being impacted in one way or another. Some much more severely than others, at this point in time.

Healing Energy of the BC Woods
I know that when things get tough, there is an inherent opportunity to do our inner work. To bring what is unconscious into consciousness, and to integrate it. For greater clarity in being and doing in our individual lives and within the larger collective.
This is the gift of intense times. There is great treasure to be had for those who are committed to doing the inner excavating. Perhaps, I would venture to opine, this is even why our souls arranged for us to be here exactly now.
Today’s eZine has two great excavating examples that lead to stronger ways of being in the world. CPA Estelle Gibson and her niche of financial dependence and abuse. And birthday girl Joy, digging into the multi-dimensional roots of her reluctance to step fully into the powerful woman she is.
All the best to you and yours during these times of shift and reveal.
As always, love hearing your thoughts and insights. Here’s to a cozy season of Fall…
Thanks Jeannie. Appreciate that you read and comment on the Zine. Keep cozy and well yourself. xoxo