Visual Satsang – Private Support for Intense Times

Visual Satsang to the rescue!

Oh boy, going on two years and our world is still cookin’ …

Christina Merkley, Visual Coach

The Early Days:

When I started the pro bono Visual Coaching to offer support as the pandemic swept into North America … few of us knew that we’d be in for an extended haul.

And that many other serious traumas would arise for reckoning and sacred sight…

I’ve facilitated 37 of the public Process Popups now and 53 shared Recorded Individual Sessions too … to help during these shifting and intense times.

Both of these pro bono offerings will continue for the foreseeable future.

Private Visual Satsangs Continue Too:

Today I am announcing a NEW PRIVATE VISUAL SATSANG, for those who’d like to do the same deep processing, but in a private setting.

Go deep over 16 sessions with the same small intimate group of people.  As a result, enhanced understanding (self and other), integration and community happen!

Previous private Satsangs have been PROFOUND experiences with members doing extensions to keep meeting.  So helpful during stressful times to have wonderful people to connect and do deep work with.

After taking a little break, I’m now ready to offer another private Visual Satsang … so secure a spot for your nervous system for the bumpy months ahead.

10 6 Spots Left
Saturday Cohort – Online (16 Sessions)
Weekly: Saturdays, Oct. 23, 2021 – Feb. 19, 2022

10am – Noon Pacific
11 mnt, 12 cntrl, 1 estrn, Europe evenings
convert to your zone here



Who Participates:

As a teacher of process skills, I attract fellow helping practitioners (leaders, managers, facilitators, coaches, trainers, therapists, teachers, organizational development, change management, human resources, community organizers, advocates, etc.).

I also attract creative and deep-hearted people from ALL walks of life. All are welcome.

What We Do and Be: 

We join in Meditation, Non-Dual Self Inquiry and Systemic Constellations. Plus other deep techniques that tap both intellect AND heart.  Coming from our FULL being…

Visual Satsang follows the adage of the oxygen mask. We hook ourselves up to oxygen first, then we can assist others in our lives and work.  Our Inner Work helps ourselves, those around us, and is a contribution to humanity at large. Perhaps one of the greatest contributions we can give. As at the deepest levels, we are all One.

Visual Notes Of Course: 

As per my habit, I sketch away as consciousness shows its brilliance through each one of us. So, plenty of creativity and practical, spontaneous visuals for those who love Working Visually.

Tender Inner Child

Meet the Fire of Collective Trauma

View Video
Resources from the Right Brain

Antidote for Single Mom Overwhelm

View  – Video


Deep Thanks And See You in Satsang Soon:

Thank you for your support and patronage. These are tough times for many, so use the Accessibility level if your circumstances warrant it.

I look forward to being in supportive community during these months ahead. This work is the most meaningful work of my life and I’ve had a life of meaningful work!

To everyone, I wish you the very best as you, your family, your community and our world at large continues to go through the eye of the needle (oh my that’s a bad pun, didn’t recognize that at first, but hey, it fits).

We needed to shift our world, and apparently the current chaos is all part of the process for doing so. Hang tight and keep your focus on a positive vision for humanity and each other.


Christina Merkley
The SHIFT-IT Coach

P.S. The techniques in this program are advanced (the Bonus Maps in my Visual Coach Certification). So this program is also excellent for Certified Visual Coaches or those on the path to becoming one.

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