Follow up from Public Visual Satsang #59.
See below for video, timestamps, summary, visual maps and date of next Public Visual Satsang – all welcome!
0:00:00 Satsang Start Up
0:10:57 Meditation
0:13:17 [Self Inquiry] I Am Speaking My Truth
0:39:28 [Chat & Self Inquiry] Mid-Life Job Apathy
1:08:49 [Chat] Visual Coaching & Training Programs
1:30:34 [Self Inquiry] Rewiring
2:14:07 [Chat] Caricature Artist with Shared Interests
Self Inquiry: I Am Speaking My Truth
Teresa is tired of hiding and being silent. She wants to speak her truth, both publicly and at home. The discrimination she’s experienced, including losing her job of decades, IS a big deal. She heralds ‘Freedom of Choice’ yet has a hard time with the pushback. She gifts an amethyst crystal which symbolizes compassion and spiritual connection. She longs for collective growth and her individual power and strength. Calm and a tingling in her Heart happens. An expansion, that brings the medicine of Tears of Joy.
Chat and Self Inquiry: Mid-Life Job Apathy
Angelina is in a mid-life transition between jobs. She’s in the midst of completing the Shift-It System – Christina’s Visual Coaching series that helps people navigate transitions and other crossroads. We do a mix of rational discussions about the tools, and how they are going for her (she’s whipping through them quickly). As well as some Self Inquiry balancing her logic (Left Brain) with her intuition (Right Brain).
Chat: Visual Coaching and Training Programs
Edwina is a Systemic Constellation facilitator and trainer from Australia. She’s interested in learning more about working visually and asks for an overview of Christina’s training programs. Christina complies with a quick overview of live courses coming up this Fall and in 2024, plus her 8 Home Study Kits available at any time.
Self Inquiry: Rewiring
Ginette’s journey after the loss of her husband continues to unfold. She’s finding her values not in alignment with her Board. Should she stay or should she go? Family beacons in another country yet her house (particularly the trees) hold a strong connection. She’s aware of her patterns as she clears and lets go of clutter upon clutter. Following the lead of her energetic system, she’s rewiring her leadership style as she goes!
Chat: Visual Practitioner with Similar Interests
This was Lorelei’s first drop-in at the Satsang. She watched and found it interesting. She’s a fellow Visual Practitioner and Caricature Artist who services the corporate market. Has been contemplating for years how to weave visuals with emotional work too.
Chat: Off Mic
Increasingly at the very end of these Public Satsangs we are branching into ‘off mic’ time. Where I turn off the recording and anyone who wants to interact under those more private conditions can do so. It’s not recorded, but we went for another hour or so for the camera shy.
Visual Maps:
Click Map to Enlarge
Monday, June 5, 2023, 11am – 1pm Pacific Time
convert to your timezone
To get ongoing logistics and reminders, one-time registration.
Public and Private options HERE.
Of course you can! See SHIFT-IT School for training.