Follow up from Public Visual Satsang #63. Unfortunately due to complications from a power outage, there will be no recording for Public Visual Satsang #64 – although it was a beautiful gathering and I thank those who came and processed! 

See below for the video, timestamps, summary, visual maps and date of the next Public Visual Satsang – all welcome!



00:00:00 Welcome and Meditation
00:08:15 [Report] Heartbreaking Departure of Troubled Young Man
00:25:36 [Self Inquiry] From Powerlessness to Powerful
00:52:02 [Self Inquiry] Hope in Every Moment
01:22:58 [Self Inquiry] The Right Size for Me
01:46:05 Closing


[Report] Heartbreaking Departure of Troubled Young Man
L.B. has processed several times in the last few years. Satsang has been helpful to her, especially as a place for her to process her carjacking and the deterioration of her eyesight. She returns again with a sad update on the fate of the troubled young man. Also, a glimpse into the amazing adaptability of her creativity, as she finds inspirational role models in other artists who have had to meet sight limitations and even blindness.

[Self Inquiry] From Powerlessness to Powerful
Leena is a Canadian of Palestinian heritage. She gifts us with an inside view of her processing of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We accompany her as she meets ‘beyond upset’, followed by burdened, bubble, anger, shut down, confusion, acting out … and eventually the peace of calm, by dropping underneath the head, into the heart and belly. The hard-won realization of ‘just being calmer is a contribution’. Embodied authentic calm is where our true power lies.

[Self Inquiry] Hope in Every Moment
Bree has recently returned from a spiritual pilgrimage in Bali to the civil unrest of Guatemala. Experiencing the juxtaposition between deep peace and revolutionary forces. Her training is to drop into the anchor of calm abiding and equanimity, yet also attend to physical practicalities too. Of meeting the immense potentiality of each moment, yet also attending to her sadness about the current state of affairs, including a friend who is understandably fearful for her child who needs medication.

[Self Inquiry] The Right Size for Me
Andi is encountering the vacuum of emptiness in her meditations and it’s making her a bit fearful. Watch as we do some spontaneous parts work with her Inner Child, her Now Adult Self and her Future Self. Getting some wiggle room to proceed just a little bit further into the dark closet. Dropping below the head/doer into the heart, and even deeper into the belly – yay! She discovers an energetic quiet that feels nice. A crystal cave where she can play in the magic, and receive creative and spiritual downloads – in just the right proportions.

Visual Maps:

63a) Leena’s Self Inquiry – From Powerlessness to Powerful

63a. Public Visual Satsang, Leena's Inquiry, From Powerlessness to Powerful, Sept 21, 2023, Chirstina Merkley

Click Map to Enlarge


63b) Bree’s Self Inquiry – Hope in Every Moment

63B Public Visual Satsang, Hope in Every Moment, Bree's Inquiry, Oct 15, 2023,Christina Merkley

Click Map to Enlarge


63c) Andi’s Self Inquiry – The Right Size for Me

63C Public Visual Satsang, Andi's Inquiry, The Right Size for Me, Oct 15, 2023, Christina Merkley

Click Map to Enlarge


* Scheduling Notice: Public Visual Satsangs now being offered consistently on the third Sunday of each month. Times alternate between 10am and 1pm. 

#65: Sunday, December 17, 1:00-3:00 pm Pacific Time
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