Shifting the Power – We Start in a Few Days

I’m back with Anneke Lucas for a summertime offering of our online course, Shifting the Power.

As per usual, we are attracting attendees from across the globe, particularly Europe given Anneke’s tragic childhood in that continent.

Our themes of power, and courageously facing and integrating authoritarian and narcissistic abuse, are timely.

Doing our deep inner work and being with what lies within, is key. So we can be even more aware and effective as citizens, providers and advocates of change.

Shifting the Power banner with Christina Merkley and Anneke Lucas

June 20 – September 5, 2024
11-12:30 pm Pacific Time

convert to your time zone

Click for Full Details and Registration

Christina Merkley working on magnetic maps drawing by hand with markers

The Power of Working Visually

The course curriculum and materials have been a true labour of love.

Anneke’s beautiful “Unconditional Model”, with its power dynamics and parts work, is a natural to weave visual tools into.

Together we’ve created new Visual Maps with instructional eBooks, as well as including some classics from my Visual Coaching and Satsang work.

Visual tools help us to better SEE and PROCESS our activations and old wounds, and aid others in doing the same too. A safe way to go back in time and excavate what needs to be brought into the light of day … and loved back into wholeness.

This powerful course is designed for Providers of all types: coaches, therapists, teachers, healthcare and bodyworkers, yoga instructors, advocates and the like.

Also, for Survivors of neglect and abuse, in all forms.

Also, for anyone who would like to be more informed on these important topics in general. Whether you are conscious of it or not, we are all Survivors of one ilk or other, and we encounter each other every day under all sorts of circumstances. So the more trauma aware everyone is, the better.

10 Live 90-Minute Zoom Webinars
Fully Recorded

Deep Dive Option – Includes 17 Additional Hours of Processing,
Plus Private Sessions with both of us.  

Click for Full Details and Registration

A great group is forming from many countries, with registrations still coming in.  Repeater option for the many who are returning for another round.  Accessibility option for those who need it.

I look forward to holding space and continuing to learn, alongside Anneke and the incredible co-creators who are called to this important work, at this important time.

Yours in shifting it,

Christina Merkley
Visual Coaching and Non-Dual Satsangs

Choose from three levels: Basic, Accessibility and Deep Dive. Fully recorded if you can’t make some or all live sessions. Full details and registration here.

P.P.S. Excellent for Certified Visual Coaches or those on that track, for an even deeper dive into Orphan Rescue and projection territory.

P.P.P.S. Great too for Satsang attendees who want to delve deeper into conditioning, patterns and triggers. Very helpful terrain on trauma, parts, power, projection and truly conscious adulting (no matter your age!).  

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