eZine banner for A Note From Christina: beautiful seashells displayed on weathered driftwook against the green of the forest as a backdrop.

Wherever you are in the world, with so much shifting, I hope you are coping well as 2024 comes down the funnel.

Here in the Pacific Northwest of Canada, I’ve had a busy summer using visuals to help folks process their thoughts and feelings.

Visual Skills Training:

I returned to in-person trainings after a hiatus of almost five years, hosting my Fundamentals of Visual Coaching – summer camp edition. Luckily the weather cooperated beautifully!

Very fun to use physical world materials after so much time online.

And so lovely to be in real space with one another … it’s the so-called little things like sharing food and being in nature together, that add so much.

Plus all the deep processing that concurrently happens, as these wonderful human beings learn how to hold space for others in the visual way.

Parts Work and Power Dynamics:

Shifting the Power, with Love course: Anneke Lucas smiling out at you with Christina Merkley at her tablet against the backdrop of a large white lotus flower.It was also my honor this summer to hold space online with my brilliant colleague Anneke Lucas, for our 3rd offering of Shifting the Power, With Love.

We just wrapped an amazing cohort of 70+ from over 18 countries. Frank conversation. Incredible parts work combined with power dynamics. Deep processing using projection and transference as doorways to our inner work.

We are putting together a Home Study Kit, and Level 2 of the Unconditional Model is coming in early 2025. So stay tuned for details as they unfold!

Krishnamurti Dabble and Dialogue:

Krishnamurti Center leading a Visual Satsang session: Christina Merkley at the large drawing board surounded by students.

Outside on My Neuland Wall

Also recently made a visit to the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada.

Sharing my Visual Self Inquiry approach, and visually recording their group way of processing via what is colloquially called Bohm Dialogue.

Beautiful property right on the ocean with deer grazing … and bears in the blackberries oh my!


So much is up in the air nowadays, both personally and collectively. I know one thing for sure, if I’m able, I’m going to keep processing myself, and others … with visuals of course! My understanding of conditioning (my own and others) is growing in leaps and bounds. As is my compassionate heart for the webs us humans weave and unweave!

See below for upcoming processing containers for this potent Fall.

Taking good care,

Christina Merkley,
Visual Coaching and Satsangs


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