Gathering Now: Private Visual Satang

Christina Merkley at her tablet in her home office with greenery and plants all around for this banner for Private Visual SatsangsA new Private Visual Satsang is right around the corner.

Satsang means “community of true people”.

It’s a small private cohort dedicated to deep Inner Work, during this time in our lives and in the world.

Visual, because if you know me, pretty much everything I do has a visual component. As sketching our thoughts and feelings can help us process more effectively.

Fall 2024: Private Visual Satsang – Online (16 Sessions)
Weekly: Saturdays, October 5, 2024 – January 25, 2025
(Off: December 28)
10am – Noon Pacific Time convert to your zone

3 Spots Left!


Satsangs are a beautiful place where we bring our highs and our lows, and everything in between. All are welcomed and met. Non-dual. Oneness.

We use a variety of processing methods – Meditation, Self Inquiry, Parts Work, Projection/Shadow Work, Polarities, Constellations and more.

Christina Merkley cartoon of her hnds at a desk drawing a Visual Map

All sorts of topics are processed: creativity, work, finances, relationships, health, transitions, aging, mortality, loss, gain, abuse, trauma, politics, faith, corruption, war, genocide … and more.

The full gamut of human emotions are met: joy, celebration, inspiration, encouragement, hope, courage, contentment, disappointment, envy, fear, anger, sadness, grief, guilt, shame and more.

We don’t always agree on everything. In fact, cohort members can and often do hold opposing views. However, as we respectfully process together, we develop understanding, compassion and an innate sense of our shared humanity.

Cartoon of Christina Merkley at her tablet drawing a visual map

Together we quiet our Minds, open our Hearts and ground our Bellies. Bringing more presence to our own lives, and to the fuller collective too.

Looking forward to this amazing container. Always grateful for the parallel processing that occurs.


Christina Merkley
Visual Coaching and Satsangs


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