Positive Aspects (and art!) Are Everywhere!
Had a bunch of changes with my technology the last few months … and am now back to having a digital camera handy (don’t like the one on my iphone).
The little things in life can make such a big difference. Being a ‘positive sifter’ and looking for those things that do make us FEEL GOOD (they are everywhere when we look) really helps to slow down and spot them — builds up our ‘focus muscles’ which Law of Attraction work is all about (as what we focus on is what we get … like attracts like!).
Last year I kept a Visual Positive Aspects collection … photos of things I encountered throughout my days that were positive to me – left me with a good feeling.

Ezine reader (and SHIFT-IT Certification mentee) Gina Lynette has been going strong on Facebook with her own Positive Aspects collection too – love seeing your posts Gina!).