Today has been highlighted as an important day in my calendar for quite some time – and its finally here. Kick off day to my annual in-person Fundamentals of Interactive-Visuals course.
It’s a highlight cause I get to meet people interested in the visual way of working … in person (a novelty given most of my courses are online nowadays). Plus we meet 2 blocks from my home and office … which is sweet after the many, many years I spent traveling.
I ADORE Victoria Executive Centre … Michele and her team always treat us like gold. Not only does VEC have lots of yummy walls (a necessity for this work) but we also have windows (that open for fresh air!), greenery, a central location … and good nibbles to keep our energy up).
I’ve been training base visual skills for process work with groups and individuals for 15 years now. Its been interesting the shift that is happening, as more and more local people are attending. Back in the day (given I was once only one of a few trainers in the world teaching these skills) we attracted folks from far and wide. However, with the huge growth in awareness around working visually, now folks in my local area actually know about this work (and discover they have a skilled trainer right in their own back yard).
Plus with technology, the folks from further afield can now take my online version of the course (so no travel is needed … although some still come given they want the one-to-one attention and/or an excuse to visit beautiful Victoria, British Columbia, Canada). Thankfully the weather has been lovely sunshine and blue skies … a nice reward for those who made the long-distance haul. Love it when mother nature cooperates!
Today we focused on laying in some base skills: history, definitions, basic mark making (lines, circles, squares, etc), lettering and icons (the little pictures that this work is famous for). Then we moved to discussing ‘common formats’ … ideas for how to approach that sometimes intimidating blank paper (even more intimidating when its wall sized at 4 feet by 8 feet!).
And if that wasn’t enough, I did a Graphic Recording demo … followed by everyone grabbing their own space at the wall and courageous stepping up to create their own recording (often their very first Graphic Recording ever!). It was a very full and productive day! As Tom used to say (a salty Texan facilitator I used to pair with many moons ago) “they were rode hard and put away wet” … yup, that’s a horse analogy!
Graphic Recording isn’t easy … but as I reassured this dynamic group, neither was learning how to ride a bike, drive a car, navigate a new language, etc. Its takes time, mileage, perseverance and lots of practice to get really good at it. However, if you stick with it, you will advance in leaps and bounds. And get good enough to be a good value while you continue to enhance and develop.
Today we focused on foundational basics and Graphic Recording. Tomorrow we cover Graphic Facilitation (with an emphasis on templates) plus some guidance on photography and other documentation techniques. On our final day we cover Graphic Coaching/Counseling … and Money, Marketing, Marketing and Biz Development. And Mindset (how to soften and soothe common hang ups: visibility, comparison/judging, money gremlins, undervaluing creativity (right brain / feminine principle) etc).
Below are some action shots of various elements of our day:
Lots more pictures … will post for participants on their Class Resources Page.
Now I’m off to walk JJ and then onto a warm bath … to rest up for Day Two. Excellent job everyone!