By the time you read this I’ll be back home in British Columbia … but right now I’m enjoying a few post-conference days in Southern California. Wish I could say it’s sunny California … but it’s actually ‘June Gloom’ here when the marine layer rolls in.
Regardless, I have been enjoying myself. After a few days in a training with my business manager Julie … I took a few days for myself in the pretty ocean side town of Del Mar. Been walking the beaches and twisty cliff paths, getting caught up on my Abraham-Hicks audio downloads and envisioning the next chapter of my life … have three new programs coming out in the Fall so have been ‘finding the feeling place’ of these new offerings, the folks who are a vibrational match for them, and the team and infrastructure we’re putting in place to support. Plus some stuff in my personal life. Am very excited about my next level that is emerging.

Coastal Canyons and Cliffs

The Roaring Surf and Beach
Abraham has a new process they have been doing in their Law of Attraction workshops … called the ‘Alphabet Game’. Julie and I were playing the game on our drive to the conference each morning, and I have been playing it on my own these last few days too. It’s a way to focus your mind (and feelings) on things that feel particularly good. A really great way to develop and hone your ‘focus muscles’ and tune your vibration– as what we focus on is what we get. Soooooo, this issue’s article is on the Alphabet Game … use it to hone your own vibration!