Yowza, it’s a REALLY powerful fall for me … going through lots of exciting and at times challenging advancements. The BodyTalk methodology I’ve been studying and integrating into my practice for the last year is going strong. Quickly turning into a favorite way to identify and shift all sorts of resistance going on in the Body/Mind of clients and myself (I’ve written this issue’s article on a male case study). New distance offerings are now available (thanks for your patience, those of you who have been waiting for them).
I’ve also committed to a 9-month Certificate in Traumatic Stress Studies (haha, sounds like a barrel of fun eh?!). Well, it actually is for someone like me who is extremely interested in helping people shift to a better level of functioning, fun and integration. It’s led by Bessel van der Kolk, a leading authority on stress, trauma and neuroscience (who just published a great new book, called The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma).
The fall classes here at SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc. are flying along. SHIFT-IT Online wrapped last weekend (thanks all for a WONDERFUL cohort of reflection, ahhas and movement … really DEEP inner and outer work!).
And, the fall edition of Fundamentals of Interactive-Visuals is mid-way through too. After laying a visual skills foundation we have segued into explorations of Studio Work and Graphic Recording … next up are Graphic Facilitation and Graphic Coaching (using visuals effectively in process work with groups and individuals). Again, so appreciative of web conferencing technology that allows me to hold this training space for Process Professionals from across the globe. Excellent progress happening and we still have 8 more sessions to go!

Yesterday and today, I’m hosting our first of three Magic Marker Retreats here in Victoria, British Columbia. Always a pleasure to huddle away with dedicated practitioners not only keen to improve their visual chops but also open and transparent enough to share the very real ups, downs and challenges that naturally go with building a unique and authentic career. It’s a pleasure to create the container for this kind of deep, real, supportive colleagueship. Coming from a ‘there is more than enough for everyone’ perspective.
See you in a couple of weeks for the next edition.
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Interactive-Visuals Mentor
Thanks Christina. Looks like a very interesting book. I’m going to read it too. I am glad things are going well for you