This issue of The SHIFT-IT eZine is a tad tardy … because most of the last two weeks have been filled with prep and fulfillment of our in-person visual skills trainings: Fundamentals of Interactive-Visuals and Magic Marker Retreat.
I LOVE leading these workshops and its fun to do them back-to-back for those who want to intensively and quickly hone their visual skills.

Packed Table Full of Yummy Supplies

Christina’s Graphic Recording Demo

Fundamentals of Interactive-Visuals: June 2015

Graphic Recording

Graphic Facilitation Practice

Magic Marker Mastermind: June 2015 (advanced visual skills)
Big thanks to the consultants, trainers, facilitators, coaches, communication specialists, lawyers, internal managers and leaders etc who attended. Was a delight to load your fingers with markers and have you experience the many ways to weave visuals into your work and life. Keep me posted on your developments as I’m expecting big shifts from you!
The completion of these annual in-person workshops marks the close of our ‘academic year’ for SHIFT-IT School. Over July my team and I will do our annual refresh of the site with fall 2015 and 2016 dates, so stay tuned for official date notifications for upcoming online and in-person events.
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Visual Mentor