I’ve been nestling in these last weeks. The fall online offering of Fundamentals of Working Visually is trucking along. Great cohort mostly from North America, with one from Europe … with various reasons for taking the course (brand new, been working a while and want further improvement, apply to new populations and types of process work, learn more about marketing, use in retirement, etc.).
I have laid the foundation with clear definitions, benefits, basic shapes, lettering and icons. The participants (all seasoned Process Professionals in their own right) have directed these new skills into the creation of their first Studio Work (push pieces to visually communicate information to the groups and individuals that they work with).

On Wednesday I introduced Graphic Recording, including a demo on my digital tablet. I do prefer the ol’ fashioned method of paper and markers but the tablet allows me to demo methods live on the webinar which is handy. Their assignment this weekend is to dive in and experiment with Graphic Recording (using canned content if they can’t arrange a live setting). I’m looking forward to seeing their creations on Monday!
For larger view, more pics and comments see my Facebook Page.
In addition, I’m launching the upcoming Practical Energy Work online course, which starts on November 7th. It’s been a long time in coming (since 2009 due to some energetic developments in my own life). I’m excited and enjoy seeing the registrations come in … great people I’ve known over the years and also some brand new faces. Going to be a fascinating experience!
I’ve created some special codes to benefit sharp eyed readers who feel called to join us …
Register and Apply Your Codes Here
Today’s article shares a new video I’ve created to explain a favorite Law of Attraction process called The Focus Wheel. I had a situation in my life that triggered me, so I used it to show how to do a Focus Wheel to shift your vibe … it includes one of my Visual Maps so you can do it too.
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Process Skills Mentor